Phone problem

<p>Okay, I know this isn't really gospel to CC but I have a story about my phone that I want to rant about and have questions about, and a phone is very important to high school life. </p>

<p>I had a Verizon Pantech Jest 2. A little compact phone. I often had it in my book bag at school, which was XL sized and about 36 inches by 18 inches (making a very low amount of mineral oil resting on the surface of the bag's interior.) I also kept a small like 4 oz bottle of of mineral oil (instrument lubricant for band) in it. WHen the mineral oil had about like 1/5th left in it, I didn't close it tight enough and it spilled (evenly) all over the bag. The phone only had a little bit on it and was completely destroyed (wont turn on), even after I removed the battery and dried it continuously. </p>

<p>I looked on for some reviews of this phone and several people said it was indestructible and survived full submersion in lots of water. (</a> Customer Reviews: Pantech Jest 2 Phone (Verizon Wireless))</p>

<p>Why is mine so different and bad?
This is very frustrating, and I wondered if any other of you had similar "fluke" experiences with "hearty" phones.</p>