PHYS 4 vs 2

<p>CS Major</p>

<p>How hard would Phys 4A vs 2A along with Math 20D or CS 12?</p>

<p>Any advantage in taking 4A vs 2A?</p>

<p>oh god, why would you ever want to take phys 4 series over 2…im in 2 right now and getting my ass served to me on a silver platter…but, i guess if you LOVE physics and wished you woulda been a physics major but you just couldnt leave that life consuming programming behind, take it</p>

<p>and cse 12, is supposed to be super super suppper time consuming and hard, but thats just what ive heard from my cs friends…they all laugh at me when i said im going to take phsy2, ochem, cse 12 and 20d all together…</p>

<p>so, in short, id say stick with the 2 series, i really dont think the 4 series is going to benefit you in any way, unless you wanted to do grad school for physics or something</p>

<p>if you think of yourself as the fiziks hotshot and don’t mind going for the extra work / potential GPA killer, sure, why not? not even my engineering physics major roommate (who’s like, head of all her classes) even took the 4 series.</p>

<p>I don’t think there’s any benefit. Even if you decide to change your major to physics, you can petition the 2 series for credit. And not even all physics majors require the 4 series, just BS in Physics (and as I said, you can petition).</p>

<p>Well actually the only benefit I can think of is if your classes conflict too much and you’re intent on graduating in 2 or 3 years and are insanely good at physics, then sure, go with the 4 series. Otherwise stick with 2.</p>