Physical science majors and top 30 MBA admissions?

<p>Assuming a good GPA (3.2-3.4) and 90th percentile on GRE's or GMAT's, are hard science majors at a disadvantage, advantage or even playing field for admissions to a top 30
mba program. </p>

<p>In other worde, with all stats being comensurate with the applicant pool, are they accepted at the same rate as others? Yes, I am asking for myself. I have a MA in chemisry and 8 years of work experience as a chemist. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you.</p>

<p>They are comensurate.</p>

<p>The real key is solid work experience that proves that you have managerial and leadership potential. Stats are only a secondary consideration.</p>

<p>My GPA was in that range and my GMAT was 99th percentile. I had 5 years of work experience, and majored in biology. Got in to 3 top 30 schools (2 are top 15).</p>

<p>My roommate is also in my class and he majored in chem as well.</p>

<p>So that's all that really is required? One doesn't have to take any financial or business, economics classes as an undergraduate (major or minor).</p>

One doesn't have to take any financial or business, economics classes as an undergraduate (major or minor).


<p>Nope. I know plenty of people who have taken absolutely nothing to that effect yet went to the top MBA programs.</p>