<p>How good is the physics department at Haverford? Would it be analogous to schools like Reed and Carleton? Mainly, how good are they as a sort of prep school for graduate school?</p>
<p>First, the HC Physics department as a great alumni section which should give you a sense of the variety of things grads are doing.</p>
<p>Second, here’s a ranking of the top 10 LACs (adjusted for undergrad size) in producing Ph.Ds in the physical sciences. I think it shows Haverford does quite well even though Reed and Carleton do a tad bit better… (When physical and life sciences are combined, Haverford jumps to #4, but ultimately I don’t think the individual place order rankings are that telling)</p>
<li>Harvey Mudd Coll </li>
<li>Carleton Coll </li>
<li>Reed Coll </li>
<li>New Coll of Florida </li>
<li>Swarthmore Coll </li>
<li>Williams Coll </li>
<li>Haverford Coll </li>
<li>Amherst Coll </li>
<li>Oberlin Coll </li>
<li>Coll of Wooster </li>
<p>Based on NSF data covering 1997-2006</p>
<p>If you go to the Haverford website and search the news article section for physics, you should find articles over the last few months that have featured the accomplishments of some of the physics profs. There was a nice article not long ago on why one of the newer profs (an HC grad) decided to return to Haverford to teach rather than go to a big research intitution. If I can find it I will post it.</p>
<p>Here’s one: [Haverford</a> College News Room](<a href=“http://www.haverford.edu/news/stories/9791/51]Haverford”>http://www.haverford.edu/news/stories/9791/51)</p>
<p>And an interview currently linked on the website news section: <a href=“http://plus.maths.org/issue50/features/gollub/index.html[/url]”>http://plus.maths.org/issue50/features/gollub/index.html</a></p>
<p>bump 10char</p>