PHYSICS B questions

<p>hey guys, I have a few questions about physics B.</p>

<p>For the formula, Induced E = B L V, what does the L stand for(I know its length, but length of what? The V stands for velocity, right?)</p>

<p>for the formula F_b = B I L sin (theta) ,(What does the L stand for?)</p>

<p>Any last minute tips? Going to learn the whole section of optics tomorrow.</p>

<p>Is it recommended to cram and study 12+ hours the day before the exam?</p>


<p>I don't know about the cramming, but i'm cramming with you
l stands for the length of the wire
in F=BILsin theta, i think L stands for the length of the wire also.. </p>

<p>Anyone have any last minute tips?
As for you newcool, can you take a look at my question in the thread entitled "Physics B educational game"? thanks</p>