I want to focus on physics, but I would also like to self-study the biology and chemistry to do the olympiad tests for those not really trying to be competitive though.
If I was taking AP Physics C next year and I have the Halliday/Resnick Fundamentals of Physics Book and ordered the Irodov Problems and Purcell E&M and Kleppner Mechanics would that be good for doing well in the Physics portion?
I can order Campbell’s Biology, but how else can I prepare for this
I will also be taking Chem next year and I am ordering Clayden’s Organic Chem and Whitten’s Chem, but how else can I prepare for these
What are the registration dates for these? If I started studying now, would I be ready and take it this year (Junior) or wait a year and do them when I am a senior? I believe I will be most prepared for Physics, but I am not sure that I will have time to teach myself all of the chem and bio needed as I have only had introductory courses with those two.
Any help is very much appreciated! Thanks