Physics Book?

I am taking AP Physics C Mechanics this coming school year and I wanted to find a book or such to prepare me a little for the class so I can go in feeling comfortable and a bit “ahead.” Any suggestions for books?

Have you taken physics before? If not, read The Cartoon Guide to Physics in order to get a better conceptual understanding of what’s going on. My biggest problem with physics was the intuition behind the concepts, and this book will help. Our teacher made it required reading.

In terms of prep books, the only correct answer is Mooney’s AP Advantage.

Hi! I just took the AP Physics C Mechanics exam this year. In preparation for the class, I would strongly recommend having an understanding of kinematics and vectors prior to the course, as it will make the first few months easier before you get into dynamics. Familiarity with calculus is also pretty helpful. I would recommend reading through the overview in the link below before starting the course:
As for books, if you could get a copy of the Feynman lectures Vol. 1, that would definitely give you the information you need to prepare for the course. However, to serve as an overview, reading Chapter 8: Motion, in the Feynman lectures, would probably give you a head start for the first month of the course. Here’s the link below:
If you’re a bit short on cash, or don’t want to buy a PR or Barron’s book for AP Physics, you could read through the first few chapters of Cliffnotes for AP Physics, linked below:
Good luck, and happy studying!