Physics extracurriculars

I am currently a freshman at a high school in Kansas. I am interested in physics but my school school doesn’t have any Physics/Astronomy related clubs. What are some good physics related things could I do outside of school?

You don’t have to do physics related ECs for college.
Do what is available to you and what you like.

But if you wanted to investigate with your Physics teacher about having a Physics club?
You could see if other kids would be interested. Activities could include a trip to an observatory, doing physics tutoring, participating in any physics competitions (e.g., Physics Olympiad.), having local professors talk about physics, doing projects like building a magnetic levitator, building rockets

You could also work on taking a group to KSU or KU’s physics departments to sit in a class or a lab and see the research they are doing. Tutoring was my first thought as an EC that is physics related. You could reach out to the department heads of those schools and see what suggestions they might have. I know at least the KSU department is open to talk to HS students. (My son works for the physics department part time and really enjoys it - even though he hated physics in HS!).