<p>I did the basic problems last week but now I have the "more complicated" ones. I don't know what to do.
Like which equation to use. </p>
<p>A speeding motorist traveling 100 km/h passes a stationary police officer. The officer immediately begins pursuit at a constant acceleration of 10.4 km/h/s (note the mixed units).
(a) How much time will it take for the police officer to reach the speeder, assuming that the speeder maintains a constant speed?</p>
<p>Answer's in sec.</p>
<p>(b) How fast will the police officer be traveling at this time?</p>
<p>Answer's in km/h.</p>
<p>What does the 100km/hr mean? i know that it means velocity but when i plug it into the equation do i put it as velocity or initial velocity?</p>