Pictures from Around Campus

<p>I decided to get together and upload a bunch of pictures I've taken around VT's campus, so that people can get a better idea of what it looks like. The pictures are labeled but I might have messed a couple up since it's late. Also, no mocking my crappy photography skills, haha.</p>

<p>Pictures</a> by aroundVT - Photobucket</p>

<p>How did you manage to get a picture of a squirrel but no cats? There were cats all over the place when I visited.</p>

<p>Cats? I don’t remember seeing any cats around campus… ever. Where were you when you saw the cats?</p>

<p>I saw some black cats around Squires and around Harper Hall. Chances are they came sometime during the summer and started multiplying like rabbits.</p>

<p>dude there are mass cats there at night, they live in the drainage pits, haha… and chuy did a PI take these pictures for you man lol? Cuz there isnt enough binge drinking in here to satisfy me… But honestly pretty legit photography skills</p>

<p>Great pictures chuy! VT is so picturesque. My favorite spot to look at campus is from the War Memorial looking out onto the drillfield. In fall, with the leaves changing, the all of buildings with their Hokie stone color contrasted against the blue sky and leaves…doesn’t get much better than that for a place to call home for four years!</p>

<p>Chuy nice bro. I might steal some of these hahaha</p>