Pitt GAP Physical Therapy vs Physician Assistant

Reading up Pitt GAP page and saw GAP PA is limited for 15 per years for first year applicant. Does anyone know how many seats for Physical Therapy GAP? Will it be less competitive than Physician Assistant GAP when applying?

Hello, my D18 got the PA Gap her year and is in the PA program now. Her year, there were only 5 PA Gaps given. Are you certain there are now 15? If so, I was unaware .

I do know the PA Gap is the 2nd most competitive 1 behind the Med School GAP, so yes it would be more competitive that the PT GAP.

That’s what I saw on their GAP page. It says limit to 15 first year students. Does it means the result will come from applicants after undergraduate? I cannot find information about how many GAP for PT. How does your daughter like PA program there? We just toured Pitt two days ago and he likes the school and we all think medical resources and opportunities there will be great fit for him. My son is interested on either PA or PT so we are debating if we should put down PA or PT as GAP option when applying in August.

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