Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

My daughter can sympathize! It’s yet another uncertainty and point of stress in a year of uncertainty and stress. I can’t answer your question definitively but from what I’ve read the odds of getting Sutherland and the Honors LLC are good, if not guaranteed. Best of luck.

This is great, thank you!

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@Stormin28 They will definitely get into the Sutherland LLC, there is plenty of room. They don’t even fill all of Sutherland so some that aren’t in the LLC live there too.


Thanks for sharing the calendar

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Hi. My daughter has been dragging her feet when it comes to finding a roommate. How are your kids matching with potential roommates in the honors college? She tells me the roommate finder doesn’t specify if you are in honors.

My daughter has done nothing! She wants to go random, and when I say random, I mean she has no desire to do anything to be matched other than answer the 4 questions on the housing application!

Same! Glad my D’s not the only one. :slightly_smiling_face:

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For what it’s worth, my daughter went with the random selection last year and it worked out fine. There are more kids that take that path than students realize. You just don’t see them. Good luck


Thank you. I don’t believe that housing notifications come out until July any way. She’s not worried, so I’m not worried!

Thanks! When they go random, does Pitt try to match them up by their answers to the housing questions?

I would assume so. My daughter did the music LLC and went random. We had figured out that the music llc was located in Nordenberg and that is where she wanted to live.

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How serious is the honors housing llc application for incoming honors freshmen? I feel like my tweet about myself and my idea for UHC was fine but my essay on community wasn’t the best? Very panicked right now because I really wanted to be in the llc…

Is the bed size in Sutherland a Twin XL? Also, is the mattress a foam mattress that is somewhat soft, or do students usually use one of those foam mattress toppers?

I think you should use a foam mattress topper. I do not know for certain about the size of the bed, but I am thinking it’s a Twin XL.

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Has anyone gotten their official dorm assignment? My D22 has been away and I do not know if she’s received info about this. Thanks

Nope. Radio silence.



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Since D22 is overseas and has bad WiFi, she has not actually seen her housing email. However, she is on a group chat with her other roommates. Did the email say that the students are in the Honors LLC? Any other details? She is in a 6 person suite, anybody with knowledge of items that would be helpful to have inside the suites in Sutherland in particular? Not sure if microwaves or mini fridges are in the rooms already, etc. Anyone familiar with the suites in Sutherland in general? Thanks

I’m not sure if the email stated they are in the Honors LLC, but I’ll ask my D when she gets home from work. Microwave and fridge needs to be brought in or rented. There is a combo micro-fridge they can rent, from what I understand. Floor in the rooms is a flat carpet (blue), so might be nice to have a rug in there.

Great. Thanks. I’ll catch up with her when she returns home this weekend. She’ll have to figure things out with her roomie and the others for the bathroom.