Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

My D said she did get an email telling her she was in the Honors LLC.

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Thank you

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Was a little lost on the honors website and then realized why
 new name and structure.

Pitt alum David Frederick makes unique gift to benefit Honors College | University Times | University of Pittsburgh.

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lol, I also looked at this blankly for a few seconds and mentally shrugged and decided I’d just been not reading the name of the HC all this time. It never occurred to me that it was new!

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Any other students in Pitt Band who are moving in on Aug. 12? D22 is excited. Band camp starts on Aug. 13 I believe.

This has been a great thread. Thanks to all who have contributed. Best of luck to your students! Hail to Pitt!

My D22 is also moving in on August 12th for band.

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My D22 is also in band, moving in on Aug 12.

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Hi Everyone, Just some info for you. When moving D22 in on Friday, we found construction right in front of Sutherland. So there was no where to unload there before going to park in the OC lot closeby like the instructions said to do. Instead, we parked in a small parking lot named Lot F that is right next to Sutherland, but Lot F is a permit parking area. This worked for us because only band kids were moving in, so we improvised. But I don’t think this will work on August 20th when freshmen start moving in.

If Pitt doesn’t send revised move in instructions for Sutherland, I would call Housing to make sure they have a plan in place for you. I do not know how long there will be construction outside of Sutherland.

Also, D22 didn’t send in her picture right away for her Pitt ID, so it wasn’t mailed to her. She had to go to Panther Central at the Litchfield Towers lobby (not Sutherland lobby) to get her ID before heading to Sutherland. Students need their ID to get into their dorm, and Panther Central programs the ID.

Hoping its a smooth situation for you

For those who submitted their honors essay after they submitted their regular app, did something eventually show up in the Portal prior to the honors due date to indicate they received your honors essay/application?

I tried to post this but I don’t think it worked. Trying again. If student received a letter already indicating $5k/year (total $20k scholarship) after in-depth consideration of application, does that mean student is out of the running for Stamps and Chancellor’s scholarships? We are in state, and did the Stamps app. High stats, 2nd in class rank, 1540 SAT, impressive weighted/unweighted GPA, lots of APs, NMSF. Do they just not like her app enough? Do they think she won’t commit anyway? Thoughts?

I didn’t even know the Stamps app was available yet, so you’re way ahead of me. Have you checked out last year’s thread? I believe Stamps & Chancellors didn’t come until well after Christmas.

Personally I think yes, they sometimes don’t know if a high-stat student will commit. My S19 was given a larger merit award and invited to GAP Medical, Stamps and Nordenburg etc but didn’t do any of those applications because he had his eggs in the Ivy baskets
 waitlisted at Harvard and Columbia. In the end, he didn’t get off those waitlists and compared to his other acceptances Pitt was the best merit offer so he ended up committing very late. Honestly, it can be anything such as the competitiveness of the major they are applying to and other factors out of your students control. Hang in there, I’ve been through this twice now (D22) and have S24 still to go. D22 did end up at Pitt too but it was also a late decision.


They sent an email reminding about Stamps Dec 1 deadline days after they gave her a letter in the portal indicating how they did an extensive review of her application and offered a $5k/year scholarship. It was misleading to me.

The Stamps/Nordenberg and other merit awards are 2 separate processes. Without the Stamps/Nordenberg application, she wont be considered for those very large awards

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I have a couple questions specific to Pitt’s Stamp Scholarship interview process. How do I DM you specific questions relating to my D semi finalist interview in Feb ? Thanks so much

Did i successfully dm you? Congratulations to your D!

Hello! My son(23) was accepted to Pitt in September. He has not committed yet, but it has always been his first choice. We visited last year and will be going to admitted student day next month. I have been going through the Pitt threads gathering info when I came across this regarding Pitt band. So I hope you don’t mind a few questions. (Thank you in advance!). A good band program was one of his criteria for his applications and he did rule out schools that were a good fit, but didn’t have marching band. How does your daughter like the band? What instrument does she play? How did she find the audition process? My son is a percussionist, and I believe it is competitive, so we are trying to get info before he commits. My son goes to a public HS (OOS)but is a bit unique in that they have academy programs. He is in the Visual and Performing Arts academy and is a Percussion music major. (Marching band all four years, percussion leader, concert and jazz bands as well.) He has been in contact with the band director and percussion director in regards to the audition process, but we are hoping to get some parent and student feedback as well. Sorry this is so long
 and again, thank you in advance for your reply!

Hi, every student we know who has auditioned for the Pitt marching band made it. I think they need musicians more than they don’t. Last year during the football playoffs when the band traveled OOS for a game, they recruited another local college band (Robert Morris Univ) to play at some other Pitt sports hometown games. They were also asking for any random Pitt students who happen to be musicians to play.
It’s my understanding that the marching band is 1 credit only and no scholarship money which is very unfortunate for all the time they put into the band. Even smaller Pittsburgh schools such as RMU gives $$ to play in the band. My S19 has played in the Pitt jazz band and loves it even though he doesn’t even need the 1 credit. The Jazz band is pretty tight! Very good. They do audition for jazz band and only accept a certain amount of musicians.

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I did dm @Lk123456 about the band. It’s definitely not a sad sack organization consistantly looking for other kids from local schools, although their website plainly states that students from other Pittsburgh schools can audition.

They do not try to be a Big 10 band, they are their own band with a fun, energetic style. They do accept almost all musicians because they do want numbers. Its membership is over 300 students. I look at this as a good thing, to include kids who want to belong. Again, thats the type of band the are.

It is 1 happy credit. They do give a small scholarship, but since my kid is a freshman, i dont know what that is yet.

I will stop talking band on this thread!