Pitt Honors Discussion and Results 2022, Class of 2026

Thank you for the info and yes @Winky1 did message me privately. I appreciate all of this info. Sounds like an amazing group of kids!

Hello! I thought someone from this thread might know the answer to this. Does Pitt ever come back to offer a student more merit? 23 likes the school a lot yet a bit more merit would make the cost more doable.

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@Kombucha22 it is within the realm of possibility. in 2020 my DD got an initial 10K a year through the university (we were thrilled!) and then a month or two later she unexpectedly got 6K a year through the engineering department. We are in state.


Other than that excellent example by @Susanb33 , it is unlikely in my opinion. Back in the day (5-8) years ago, Pitt had an appeal process for merit. You would actually print out a form, complete it comparing the offers and then you could submit that. There were no guarantees, but many of us saw a higher merit award. My D18 went from $5,000 in-state to $10,000 that way. However, that process no longer is offered. In the fall of 2019, Pitt started matching Pell Grants for accepted students that qualified for those. That was a game changer for regular merit awards. That is why if you are in state and get $5,000 or oos and get $10,000, that is an extremely good thing coming from Pitt.

I do think anyone can appeal in a professional, objective way, laying out the cost comparison to a comparable school, but there would be no guarantees. And I think merit is just tighter now for Pitt to give.

But there are departmental awards that we’ll see here and there on this thread, or special scholarships that focus on something specific. Then there are the Chancellor’s and Stamps Scholarships.

Best of luck, and can I ask what merit award your student has received already?


Thank you @winky1

23 received $5,000/year. We are grateful for that to help offset the cost. Another $5,000 would help a lot.

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@Winky1 If we are not qualified for Pell Grants, are we not to expect help from Pitt - except the scholarships you have mentioned?

I am happy they are giving money to the folks in need.

There are the regular merit scholarships that go out to students from Oct. - March

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In addition to matching Pell grant $, Pitt has their own grants. It is very possible to receive grant $ from Pitt without having the level of need of a Pell Grant recipient. They are very generous.

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I’m wondering if anyone with a kid from the class of 26 can comment on the first year experience in the honors program (and perhaps their major) and Pitt in general? We are OOS and will visit for the first time soon but hoping to gather as much information as possible before making a decision (D’23 admitted to Dietrich). Did anyone live in honors housing? How do you find roommates? What was advising like? Is there anything else that is different in the orientation or first year experience if you are in honors? Anything you wish you had realized before choosing Pitt? Thanks!