Pitzer's official videos

Is it just me, or did the Pitzer videos strike anyone else as insubstantial. For a school that’s supposed to be one of the hardest to get into in America, the students seemed inarticulate and silly. Occidental’s, Lewis & Clark’s and Whitman’s videos were all superior. And the videos from several Midwestern colleges that hit many of the same themes as Pitzer’s (Beloit, Grinnell, Lawrence and Macalester, to name a few) were far better than Pitzer’s in terms of presenting a student body that seemed bright and engaged. Is that because those other schools’ student bodies are, in fact, brighter and more engaged?

I hope I will get a chance to see Pitzer in person soon, but in the meantime my only source of information is the internet.

I wasn’t super impressed by Pitzer’s promotional videos but I’ve heard so many good things about Pitzer to counter this slight unprofessionalism. I’m gueasing they’ll remake all the videos in a few years and hopefully improve them.

I felt the same way. Pitzer was actually on the verge of leaving my list because it didn’t inspire me to apply, but after the diversity program I was sold.