<p>this thread isn't for me, I'm going to Reed, but for a friend who botched her applications process. she got into two good schools, but CANNOT fathom going to one (only applied because her parents forced her) and can't afford the other. tomorrow she's going to go there to beg for more aid but it's not likely.</p>
<p>There's a site somewhere that lists colleges still accepting apps. I can't find it, can someone post the link?</p>
<p>Your friend should call any school she's interested in and inquire if they'd consider her application. If they have space, they may say yes. I know someone whose daughter "messed up" her applications last year and had no place to go come spring. Her father was disgusted (some apps were lost) and he wouldn't help. But she found a school in the NY area that was still taking applications, called and was granted an interview. Believe it or not, she wound up going to the WRONG college (with a similar name), walked in for her appt and when the mistake was discovered, the new school gave her an interview and accepted her on the spot. Of course it helped that she didn't need financial aid. Luckily it all worked out. Funny thing is that the school she now attends is actually ranked higher than the original school...Be persistent but don't appear desperate.</p>
<p>Of the schools mentioned above, Hendrix College is a real gem. An excellent liberal arts college that has trouble attracting students to Arkansas. Don't let the ARkansas location fool you: the student body is very liberal and it's a cool school.</p>
<p>Yes, I was surprised to see Hiram on there. Great school with a unique calendar that lets you do an intensive class at the end of the year that often involves off-campus travel.</p>
<p>If any juniors are reading this, I've tracked the schools that appear on the NACAC list over several years now. It seems to me that often, when a school appears on the list because they couldn't fill their seats, they either boost their admissions level slightly the next year or boost their merit scholarships the next year so they don't end up with empty seats again. So, I would say all of the schools on the list are worth looking at if you're a junior as well. The list should continue to grow over the next few weeks.</p>