Planning On Reapplying, Summer Programs

Your school may or may not matter, depending on where you are applying.

Even a “not so tippy top boarding school” has limited slots for international students, and can afford to be picky. Nobody wants to be a placeholder for someone who intends to just use their school a stepping stone.

Only apply to schools that you can imagine yourself enthusiastically attending.

And yes, many people have amazing academic experiences at “not so tippy top” schools. Really. Check out the Hidden Gems thread.

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I really wish people would stop saying kids have to get in the 99% on the SSAT. We were stressed when our child got 95% because of people saying that. When a 95% is still pretty amazing for kids on this test (esp. when it is their first experience with testing). Perhaps there is more pressure on international students or students of certain backgrounds, but a 95% certainly did not hurt our child at all in the process. Also schools list their averages or will share that with you if you ask. To get and average some might be higher and some might need to be lower. I do think it is more important to carve out your story, why are you passionate about the things that you are and what can you bring to the school. Great, thoughtful essays and interviews. Good luck.


I’m domestic and come from public school so it’s different, but even a 79%ile didn’t disqualify me from “top schools.” Plenty of WL, but an SSAT score isn’t getting you in. It’s just keeping you in the running. They don’t care about the exact number past a certain benchmark.


thank you for the infos can i PM you for more ?

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I totally agree… 95% is amazing! My point was to aim high. I should have been more sensitive to that. My bad. xoxo

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Please! I don’t know what information I can give but I’m happy to help in any way I can.

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yep please check PM! thank you!!!

@DrPrimo n I wanted to know a little bit more about reapplying. How one would go about doing that on their application, like how an applicant would explain applying as a repeat 9th grader?
I also want to know does “reapplying” overall affects the application and how so?

so does that mean I would have more chance in kent and blair?

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Yes. In my opinion, you would have more of a chance of being admitted to Kent or Blair than to Choate, Deerfield, Exeter or Hotchkiss.

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does anyone have any information on this for us?

Maybe start a new thread? more people might see it

Or use the search button.
So many past threads on reclassing/repeating. There’s useful info already out there.

…or talk to a professional? I would think you don’t want to repeat what happened last year, so better to get a ‘plan of attack’ from someone who knows the landscape and who has experience with this kind of thing. I have no one to recommend, unfortunately.


@Calliemomofgirls hello! i’ve been reading ur posts and it has been really helpful! i wanted to PM you but didn’t know how to😔 I was wondering if you could help review some of my essays, i love your writing btw- Pm me pls😭 thank you so much, really would appreciate any help possible!