Planning On Reapplying, Summer Programs

Im planning on reapplying next year, to several of the schools that became my favorites throughout this process. Not because of “reapplying/ better chances”, but I do really want to try out boarding life and discover some new interests through this.
I was wondering if joining the school’s summer programs would be good. I got waitlisted to 2 schools in my previous list.
I’m still pretty interested in Deerfield, Choate, Exeter, and Hotchkiss (listed from my favorite)
I play piano, so I know that Hotchkiss’s piano program would be good for me, but Hotchkiss isn’t my top school… Does anyone know more about the summer program admission process? Which program would be good for business, writing or music, or just in general?
If anyone has experience in reapplying and gone through it, can you PM me or give me some advice? If anyone has counselor recommendations, can you PM me as well?
Thank you

Applying to summer programs would be great, if you are truly interested in the summer programs and can afford them. It would not be good if you think it is going to give you an advantage when re-applying to the school.


im pretty interested in writing and business programs as its pretty cool, do you know which school have a good program on those, and music.

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if there are programs that are not through boarding schools but still have an acceptable fee, then I will be able to look into it as well

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I don’t know anything about summer programs, that is something you will have to research on your own. I do know they do not help you get into BS - that is the only point I wanted to make. Do not spend money/time if it’s not something you would otherwise do. A summer job can be just as “impressive” on your BS application.


Agree 100%

…IMO the summer programs are simply profit centers for the schools and aren’t about screening for admissions at all.

The potential “pro” for admissions is that summer program could be helpful “proving” your ability to be away from home. (Summer camp could do this too, though).

It could be a potential downside, too. If you go to a summer program at School A and then apply to School B, School B’s AO could think School A is clearly your first choice. (I don’t think this is a huge risk, at all, but wanted to put out there as possible).

Note, this is the same for (most) college summer programs.

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Hiii everyone!! I heard that Asian international applicants who got rejected might only have 1% chance when reapplying is it true?

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Some updates…

I still stand by this^^^

SOO… Im still probably going to reapply to my fav few… AND, I probably would add a few to my list as well: Kent, Nobles, Blair
I got into a virtual summer program (that is from a top uni in the us)
I applied to a local uni summer program (I think the program is better than the virtual one so I’m still considering if I would accept the virtual one)
Both has a business program, for my local uni there’s also a neuroscience program

I’ve heard that international Asian applicants reapplying would have no chance at schools that rejected them… Not sure if that is true.

Other updates:
I will definitely be doing the ISEE as my results were so different compared to how I did on the SSATs.
Not sure if I should apply for 9th grade to some schools? (how do I learn more about this?)

What should I do more if Im interested in Business, Neuroscience, Mental Health, Music (Piano, Singing, Writing)?
How should I be more prepared for this application season?
Please help me out if you would like to guide me in this process!!! Thank you…

If it’s a rejection, it’s possible that part of the application is not up to the standard of school, so without material changes the chances will not be good for anyone, not just for Asians.

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I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure Nobles is a day school that only offers 5day boarding.

i will remove my finanicial aid need though…and I did add up quite a few activities

Interesting. They’ve also posted a thread about Hackley School, which is also 5 day boarding.

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lol i think admin made it an entire post but I’ve considered it and its not the best choice so maybe not nobles then :person_shrugging:

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can someone tell me more about this?

Im concerned

According to my child at a so-called tippy top, the vast majority of international Asians at school had top grades, very high scores and something special, such as strong music (think Julliard level) or supreme strength in math or science (like, potential MIT). Many also come from wealthy families and are, the school may hope, development possibilities. My child has never mentioned whether any international Asian classmates were rejected one year but got in the next.

Though my family has no experience with Kent or Blair, the admission statistics would suggest those would be more likely admits for an international Asian without the characteristics I mention above.

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i only do international competitions in piano… should I be looking into doing cty scat and such for different subject tests?? or what else could I do to both do something I want to do and raise my possibilities

also does my school matter, i believe bs has no knowledge of my school, should I just go to a not so tippy top boarding school first then transfer to a tippy top boarding school?

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I think you are probably a wonderful young person. You should focus on being the best version of yourself and be happy. You cannot be somebody you are not.

I suppose it is possible to go from a less prestigious boarding school to a “tippy top,” but I suspect it is rare. Probably more possible for those with a special talent, such as a contributing varsity athlete; maybe a wonderful pianist with great grades and recs could do it.

Honestly, for international Asians, especially from Hong Kong, it’s super difficult to get into the GLADCHEMS. A lot apply and most do not get in, even if they are outstanding. However, there are so many other wonderful boarding schools; as I’m sure others have advised, please check out the hidden gem threads. You could probably find several schools at which you would have a wonderful experience.

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The CTY tests do nothing… back in the day they meant something, but no more. Lots of changes over there. If you’re looking for a test KILL the SSAT (like 99%) and place in the international competitions you mentioned. Also, a great video of you playing is key (IMO). Also, something to think about: what will you bring to the school? How are you a value add? FWIW, my DS talked a lot about that in his various essays, application, interviews, etc.