<p>DD is 13. She attended private schools up to last year at the end of seventh grade. She's always been years above grade level in English, language, reading but she has ADHD and her lack of executive funtions made school a tourture session. She has the intellegence but she was always plagued by her organization problems. There may be a DX of aspergers added in the future.</p>
<p>In 7th grade I realized that her self esteem was suffering. The school system was determined to make her acheive a level of organizaion that simply was not possible. The school was also at a loss of what to do with her underdeveloped math ability.</p>
<p>After finally reading WTM I decided almost instantly that I would withdraw and begin home schooling.</p>
<p>I spent the last quarter of last year foucisng on math. After years of math tutors she was still about 4 years behind grade level and not showing any signs or progressing. I discovered she was a visual learner and started her on MUS. She caught up about 2 years in 9 months. She still doesnt like math but it doesnt generate tears or the blank look as it did before.</p>
<p>Now I'm at a loss of what to do next. Her English and writing level is really beyond where I feel I could be of much help to her, especially with two toddlers to care for. At 13 her SAT reading and writing scores are 580. ACT English score of 26.</p>
<p>I'm currently outsourcing writing with home2teach and Latin with either Latin in the Christian trivium or the Potter's school.</p>
<p>I'm thinking about having her take English classes at the CC online. John's Hopkins CTY classes look attractive but they are more than we can afford until I go back to work. </p>
<p>I've been talking recently with the CC. They were not terribly receptive at first but now that she sat for their placement test and scored high they've agreed to allow her to take classes for credit (with the exception of math). We just need to have any instructor sign off that their class would not contain content not appropriate for a 13 year old.</p>
<p>DD is thrilled with the idea and keeps talking about wanting to have an associates at 17 instead of a high school graduation. Keep in mind she is ADHD and is hyper focused on this right now.</p>
<p>I think she is capable but I would need to have her take the first few classes on line so that I could help teach her the organization she needs to stay on top of the classes. Right now trying to do both teaching and organizing her is too much for one person (me). I know going back to school would not be a good fit as there would be no help for her to learn the skills she needs. </p>
<p>Here is a snap shot from the past---> she get assignments from 7 teachers, normally looses assignments from 5 of them, just gives a blank stare during math and manages to complete Latin and be one of the top students in Latin. The teachers get frustrated and force her to take the consequences of the missing assignements/grades. Without most of her assessments or knowing to prepare for tests she does test well from memory and averages out most subjects with C's (along with an A in Latin and an F in math).</p>
<p>so here is my thought...</p>
<p>Let her take ENG 101 on line from the community college next fall. She would also continue with her on line Latin and writing classes. At home we focus on primarily on Math as well as organization (can I create an ongoing class for this?), Science, history and Logic.</p>
<p>Provided she gets an A in the class i would let her take 2 or 3 more the following semester with MAYBE one of them on campus.</p>
<p>does this sound feasible?
Is there anything I should think about?
Could she be eligible for financial aid or scholarships?
Could this plan jeopardize any future aid or admissions?
Should I just look into online AP courses instead?</p>
<p>I would love any thoughts on this.
Please be gentle</p>