Plans For Last Night At Home?

<p>I’ve already embarrassed myself by posting my plans for my First Night As An Empty Nester (under the “hotel for move-in” thread).</p>

<p>So, flip side of that subject: Entering freshman families, what are your plans for your last night at home? Or if you already did it because of OA/AA or early programs, what did you do on your last day/evening at home?</p>

<p>DS and I are going to spend his last night in Huntsvegas at a post-MST3K live-by-satellite showing of “Starship Troopers.” Should be a great night. [RiffTrax</a> | Movies made funny!](<a href=“”></p>

<p>“To kill the bug, we must understand the bug.” Great plan! </p>

<p>I don’t know about the last night, but we had our annual 6-hour Pride and Prejudice marathon yesterday-- BBC version, of course.</p>

<p>Well, my daughter will be a junior, but I will still fix her favorite dinner (actually, I’ve been fixing them all week), finish up all her laundry, and watch Disney movies on Netflix with her while painting our toenails. </p>

<p>I do have a tradition of buying cards for her, writing love notes in them, and hiding them in her luggage so that she finds them as she unpacks. I cry over them a lot while I write them. That hasn’t changed in the 3 years I’ve done it despite the fact that I know she loves Alabama and is thriving there. </p>

<p>I remember when she left for her freshman year there was a long thread about not watching Toy Story 3 any time near where your child left – so we won’t watch that one. I did watch it later and those folks were so right. </p>

<p>Whatever you do, I hope it will be a night to remember!</p>

<p>At the rate we are going, we will STILL be packing the massive shoe collection…</p>

<p>I am betting my son will hang out with his friends the night before we leave… we are doing a family dinner two nights before…I am one hour away but i will not be heading down there except for on a gameday or 2</p>

<p>Okay parents, warning about your kiddos first trip home. We are about 2 hours away right now heading home with D. She will be home for 4 days. She already has plans to leave as soon as we get home and every single day and night before we fly her back. So much for getting to spend time with them.</p>

<p>My plan is for a nice dinner out and then heading back home to finish packing the car…</p>

<p>@TXArchitect - you won’t be the only one still packing shoes! Still trying to convince my DD that she won’t need all those clothes and shoes… I have a feeling they all won’t fit in her closet and we’ll be boxing them up and driving them back home again.</p>

<p>I believe DD intends to make hers wall art…</p>


<p>Two boys so no shoes issues here. "Starship Troopers’ commentary by the MST3K dudes would be a massive hit in our house especially with DS #2. Riff on the cringeworthy Twilight series would be a close second.</p>

<p>LOL on the shoes! D is like me, loves me some shoes. D took tons of clothes and shoes. We had the Suburban packed full and her car. Everything fit in her dorm room at Lakeside this summer and then all into her portion of the room at Tut. She has room in her closet, under her bed, an empty drawer in the builtins, empty storage above the closet. What is lacking, where to put the printer! That is what is missing in the rooms at Tut. Do not have any clue how to create more desktop space with no extra floor space to put another piece of furniture. For now, it is stored nicely under her bed.</p>

<p>We do plan to take D out for a nice steak dinner this next week before she leaves to go back.</p>

<p>Last summer, S invited his friends over & we gave each one a Chinese wish lantern…we lit them 1 by 1 and watched the string of them be carried up and eastward towards ChicAgo…all in a line…carrying all of their dreams and hopes for the coming year with them. It was very moving.</p>

<p>@Mom2Twins: We do the same when DD comes home (now in her 2nd year at Bama) and often watch the Kiera Knightly version as well … and then I watch either whenever I miss her but don’t want to admit it. She texted me about meeting “Mr Collin’s cousin” at one point last year but she has now been fortunate to have found her Mr Darcy after all.</p>

<p>Colobamamom-- last week we randomly caught 20 minutes of the BBC version in Italian while in Florence. My girls and I tried to keep up quoting in English, so fun! I don’t think I will be able to watch P&P without them. What to do when Downton Abbey starts up again, I do not know!</p>