Pleasantly Suprised!

<p>@tav Haha maybe they are going state-by-state from FL to northern states, I live in NY</p>

<p>@raed247 I live in NY too. I emailed the financial aid offices and they said “You will be sent your financial awards shortly”</p>

<p>Oh, thanks for the update Lightsout. I hope they do come very soon, I want to make a decision on my college by next week</p>

<p>Tell me about it, they don’t give you much time to make a life changing decision</p>

<p>i think so. I’m from RI and haven’t heard anything yet…</p>

<p>what’s a Dickinson scholarship?I tried looking online but couldn’t find it! </p>

<p>Our EFC is $5,000. and my D got:
Fed. Pell Grant $700.00
Fed Supp Ed Opp Grant $1200.00
Coral Grant $2900.00
and the rest loans! Don’t know why we got such low finaid! Any suggestions or advice??</p>

<p>I’m scratching my head here - the FA seems very inconsistent. Any thoughts on why? Do they preferential package?</p>

<p>hoopfan…that is weird. really weird. I would ask them if they messed up or something? And the Dickinson scholarship is the $20,000 a year one.</p>

<p>anyone international got anything?
I haven’t even received admission yet!..:(</p>

<p>Hoopfan: that is what I meant earlier in the thread. They did not meet my Ss need at all. When I called they said he would be eligible to take out more loans. I said I didn’t think it wise for him to graduate more than 100k in debt in this economy. They said that was all they could do at this time. Yet others were pleasantly surprised. Luck of the draw I guess.</p>

<p>I’m not even international and I haven’t received a decision yet so don’t fret najwani. You are not alone. We just have to wait it out, I guess.</p>

<p>No financial aid yet here. When should I find out?</p>

<p>riogemini and tav 252: I called the finaid office and have gotten the answer that my EFC has gone up to 6200 (updated my FAFSA) so now I am only entitled to the Coral Grant of $2800.00 everything else is loans. They said that there is nothing more they can do. No more money left for Finaid. What happened to the large endowment that Donna Shalala talked about during orientation? any advice?</p>

<p>hoopfan: after personally speaking to the head of financial aid he basically confirmed that financial aid is directly correlated to merit aid. They do have a large endowment that they choose to give to the students of their choice. They are trying to elevate the status of the school by offering the best financial aid packages to the top students. He did not use those exact words but told me that my sons were not in the “same league”. I said that they were in the same “financial league” coming from the same household but he said that was the best offer they could give S2. Thus confirming to me what I stated above. I wish you luck in financing your education but if you have a less expensive comparable option I would seriously consider it.</p>

<p>I got 35,210 between grants and loans. I’m happy especially considering that I live 5 minutes away meaning I don’t have to spend money on housing. However, I have a question regarding the loans. The federal perkins loan (1,500 for one year), the sub staff loan (4,500 for one year) and the unsub staff loan(2,000 for one year) - do I need a co-signer for these loans? If not, what would qualify me as being the only signer? neither of my parents are willing to sign for loans, even if it’s just $8,000 for the first year. I’m also a transfer student meaning that I would only need two years of tuition and even if tuition goes up, I won’t be in a massive debt of 50k.</p>

<p>I’m still working on getting scholarships so that other costs like books, laptop, etc. could be covered. As of right now, I’m only concerned with paying tuition and fees.</p>

<p>Hey kids this is off topic but give me a chance.</p>

<p>UM is totalabout 55k, U Portland total is around 43k. U Portland gave me scholarship 13k/year, so I could attend for almost half the price of U Miami.</p>

<p>My question is, would U Portland give me any more aid? Could I still submit the FAFSA to them? </p>
