Financial Aid Award

<p>My D's financial aid award is now posted on EASY. Pretty much what I expected. She got the Ashe (3/4) scholarship and the $2625 unsubsidized Stafford Loan.. so we will have to come up with about 15,000/year. Still not sure where she is going but this will be hard to pass up.,</p>

<p>Hey lsandin--guess you pulled ahead in the info game!</p>

<p>We're not seeing anything on EASY yet re: fin aid awards, in fact under 'Documents/Action Needed' UM is saying they haven't rec'd the FAFSA yet, but we didn't submit online until January 30. I assume you sent it in earlier?</p>

<p>My D got the Stanford (1/2) and, although she's waiting to hear from 2 schools still, Miami's looking like a better fit every day.</p>

<p>jnm 123: I got the FAFSA in on Jan. 12.. I knew that taxes wouldn't be done until after deadline anyway so I had to do estimates. I read wish's report on her trip to Miami and l really liked everything that I read.. had D read it and she seemed to learn some things she didn't know. I am hoping that Miami is still in the running.. Money for that school is now within reach. What does your D seem to like most about this school? Any new info. I get I can pass along to D : )</p>

<p>Specific things D likes about University of Miami? </p>

<p>The size (not too big--9000 undergrads), high-quality ranking of her major (Physical Therapy--ranked by USN&WR #10 nationally), the Wellness Center (right next to Stanford & Hecht dorms--an awesome place to work out, and she's a maniac about that), weather (we'll see if there's a sameness about months on end between 70-90 degrees after Chicago winters but I'll tell you, as a parent it doesn't sound too awful bad to me), school spirit (only campus visit with a better vibe in that regard was Duke), college football (da Hurricanes), club sports (Wish's trip report really hit home there), ethnic diversity (D really wants that).</p>

<p>More I think about it, why don't I let HER work here & let ME go to Coral Gables!!</p>

<p>Gosh jnm..., sounds like your D has a lot in common with my S!!!! He likes all those things too! Only place where he differs is in what he hopes to study. He was attracted to the fact that UM has both Bus and Comm schools, and that Miami (the city) has great opportunities for internships/mentors. He also loved the wellness center and that it was so close to Stanford/Hecht, and the weather, and the size, and the fact that it has D1 athletics.</p>

<p>I got my "financial aid" award which as only a loan... I believe 1300 a semester. I guess it's better than nothing! </p>

<p>To those that have visited: Is the campus fairly compact and contained? or is it sprawling over a large area? Is it easy to navigate? I love the prospect of such great weather but am a little leary about such a big school.</p>


<p>It really does not have a big campus feel. Then again I did grad work at U of Michigan - now that's big. But 9000 undergrads seems a great size to me. </p>

<p>It is divided into residencial colleges and schools so my s for example would start in the Bus school where he'll have a peer advisor (and I imagine a faculty one too....?) and then live in a dorm which is part of a res college. That helps give it a smaller feel. There is one student center that seems the center of things and then of course the wellness center near the freshman dorms. The campus is not tiny but you can walk from the area where Stanford Hecht is to the middle of campus in only a few minutes. I only saw one kid on a bike - everyone walks - so that is indicative of how easy it is to get around. </p>

<p>Also there are little buses that go around the campus as well as to off campus locations. We never took any - just walked. Big campuses usually have lots of bicycles. Also some parts are elsewhere like the med campus and marine bio. And it is so lovely to walk around! Check my post in the parents thread for lots more details.</p>