Please answer some basic question ooo wise one!

<li><p>Is the acceptance rate higher for ED/EA/or RD?</p></li>
<li><p>Do you apply to a certain school on the UM app?</p></li>
<li><p>(if yes to #2) If you apply to oo lets say the school of business is there a 2nd choice or place to put that you would like to be considered for a college of arts and sciences or general studies if you do not get into business?</p></li>
<li><p>Is the campus nice? Is Coral Gables nice? Stuff to do?</p></li>
<li><p>How is the school spirit?</p></li>


<li><p>EA has the highest acceptance rate. RD is right in the middle. And ED is very low.</p></li>
<li><p>You apply to whatever major you want. So if you want to do business, you would pick finance, etc.</p></li>
<li><p>And there isn't an option to add a second choice.</p></li>
<li><p>I've never been there, but from everything I've heard and from the pictures I've scene...UMiami is amazing!</p></li>
<li><p>Hurricane Football is crazy!! But other sports aren't as big...I'm not a student (yet?), but from what I've read...and I've read a lot about Miami, its school spirit is definitely great.</p></li>

<p>The campus is really nice. My son and I visited this spring. As others have said on this board, when you park you think the place looks awful, run down, almost trashy. But then when you enter the campus, it's lovely. The nicest part is a large reservoir in the middle with a huge fountain. The day we were there an alligator went swimming right by. So cool. Palms abound. The grass is that kind of spiky coastal stuff for lawns.</p>

<p>I attended Miami Law School a number of years ago; thus, you need to take what I say with that in mind.</p>

<p>Miami is what I call a midsize school. I would say that the total student population is about 15,000 students. it does,however, offer a plethera of majors and courses that you would ordinarily only find in large state universities. Thus, you have a mid size school with large school types of offerings.</p>

<p>School spriit is fabulous. Football stadiums for games are almost always full. Students have lots of interesting events going on at many occasions.</p>

<p>As to the campus, it is quite nice and very well maintained. They even had lots of benches for students to sit and chat,which was a nice touch. Coral Gables is a very nice, upscale suberb of Miami. There are lots of greenery everywhere. There are also a number of reasonably priced restaurants around. </p>

<p>In fact, the surroundings are so idyllic and beautiful that it makes it hard to want to lock yourself away in order to study. You need to be very self-motivated in order to accomplish this. This becomes especially true with all of the beautiful people walking around. Make no mistake, many of the woman and I guess guys(although I am not a good judge of guys) are in very good shape and quite good looking. To this day, I haven't found so many "hot" gals in one spot. Maybe the hot weather brings out the slinky clothes and bikinis.</p>

<p>I can tell you that two of our top high school cheer leaders attended Miami. Also, these girls were quite sharp too. One was majoring in bioengineering. If you saw her, you wouldn't believe that was her major. I think a lot of other Miami kids are also deceiving in their abilities. Miami now gets a pretty well-qualified student body.</p>

<p>Anyway, I am sure that you will like it. However, one caveat: Miami is NOT a cheap school. If you get very little aid and don't have the financial wherewithall to pay your tuition, I don't recommend Miami for undergraduate studies. In fact, I don't recommend anywhere where you will need to take out lots of undergraduate student debt ( i.e. more than $60,000 in total loans). If, however, you have a good financial backing ( parents), Miami is a great place for many people.</p>

<p>There is a LOT to do in Miami. It is a very fun city.</p>

<li><p>ED/EA has high acceptance rates. A lot ofscholarship money is also given out here
2+3. You apply to major, but you can change later.</p></li>
<li><p>Is the campus nice? Is Coral Gables nice? Stuff to do?</p></li>

<p>I've been all over the US, and this campus is the best you'v e ever seen. It's a beautiful campus, that it's 60% female, and that for some reason, there's SO MANY HOT HOT WOMEN. I'm not kidding. </p>

<li>How is the school spirit?</li>

<p>Canes is impossible to beat. Even people that don't go to UM have Cane spirit. </p>

<p>To tax guy, while UM on paper is really expensive, good students can qualify for many scholarships that really take away most of the bite of the tuition. </p>

<p>There are MANY full ride scholarships available, especially to EA applicants.</p>

<p>Kamikazewave, yes, if someone gets a nice scholarship, UM is quite a great place to go. This, however, doesn't help the poor sap that gets little or no aid.</p>

<p>New Questions YAAA thanks for the responses!</p>

<li><p>Does UM have LAS or CAS?</p></li>
<li><p>If yes, is it easier or about the same toughness to get into the Business School?</p></li>

<p>Yes UMiami has a college of arts and sciences...but the major you choose doesn't affect your chances.</p>

<p>Really great! Thanks SoCal</p>