<p>I have already gotten into Illinois (CoB), Minnesota (Carlson), Minnesota, and St. John's (NY). I am curious of my chances to the other schools I applied to (especially USC, Babson, and Vanderbilt). Any input would be appreciated. </p>
<p>I am applying to:</p>
<p>USC (Marshall), second choice Middle Eastern Studies
Babson College
University of Texas-Austin (McCombs)
Bentley College
Northeastern University
University of Miami
Indiana University (Kelley)
Tulane University (deferred)
Drexel University</p>
<p>*Very Competative Public High School in Southern CA
Also attended prep school in New England
* SAT I (by section): 610 CR 750 M 580 W.
* SAT IIs: 740 US History
* ACT: 28
* APs: 4 on US History
Taking 5 APs this spring: AP Language, Calc AB, Spanish 4 AP, Government AP, Microeconomics AP
* IBs: N/A
* UM-GPA: UW: 3.3, W: 3.8
* Rank: N/A
* Other stats: N/A</p>
<li>ECs: Church Mission Foundation-Junior Director and Excellence in Leaderhip Award
Model United Nations-several awards and recognition
Spanish National Honors Society-Active Member
Varsity Football (2 years)
JV Baseball (2 Years)
JV Basketball (2 years)
summer business program at USC-top 5 business concept in competition
Student Government-Representative (9th grade)
Culinary Arts Club-President (9th grade)</li>
Campus Beautification Project: Dining Hall Tidying-150 hours
Mission Foundation: Preparing textbooks for underprivlidged children-300 hours
<li>State or Country: CA</li>
<li>Ethnicity: Korean</li>
<li>Gender: Male</li>
<p>you have a good match (or even safety) for Drexel and Northeastern. Vanderbilt will be tougher; improve ur SAT and GPA and u should have a reach.</p>
<p>Don’t you hate it when people put their ethnicity down? Why would you want to use that to try and get ahead? But I digress…
Drexel/NE: match
Vander: reach</p>
<p>Vanderbilt will be difficult to get in w/ SATs and GPA. If you get the oppurtunity, try to take teh SATs/ACT again and see if you can improve slightly. Overall though, you’ve got good ECs and a lot of service within your community ,so I think your a competitive student for the other schools.</p>
<p>USC (Marshall), second choice Middle Eastern Studies- match/ low reach (what’s Marshall, the business school?)
Vanderbilt- mid-reach
Babson College- low reach
University of Texas-Austin (McCombs) -high match
Bentley College-probably low match, unfimilar
Northeastern University- match
University of Miami- match
Indiana University (Kelley)- match
UNLV- guessing low match, unfimilar
Tulane University (deferred)- duh
Drexel University- match/ low match</p>
<p>Also, come chance me at Small-town Junior Looking for Advice and Chances for Big-Name Schools (sorry that I don’t have the link, but it’s now on the second page) thanks!</p>