Please chance me (for next fall)?

<p>SAT = 1870 - Reading 550, Math 670 (only took it once, will retake it in October with a lot of studying, aiming for 2000)
Weighted GPA = 4.0
Unweighted GPA = 3.28
^these are the GPAs that I will have when applying
Rigor = 6 APs so far, taking 3 more next year. plenty of honors classes too. AP courses are: physics, english lang, world history, calculus AB, government, chemistry. next year I'll take programming, BC calculus, and Music Theory. </p>

<p>Extracurricular = this is by far my worst one, I have nothing official besides my 82 SSL hours that I got by some volunteer work in this elementary school. I play an instrument and spent (and still do) a lot of time taking care of my little brother who was born in my freshman year. no sports, so that's pretty much it unfortunately..</p>

<p>I know it's a bit early, since I'm a HS junior in the second semester, but I now pretty much know what my GPA will be when applying so I just wanna have some hope for the future. I'm not doing an Early Decision. Thanks in advance..</p>

<p>What Major?
What is your school’s grading scale and weight is applied to AP classes?
Where do you live?</p>

<p>Computer Science. I live in Maryland, and my school uses the 5 point scale where each honors or AP class gives you an extra point (A = 5, B = 4, etc), so long as it’s a C or higher. Sorry, I should’ve clarified this…</p>

<p>That means you would be applying to engineering. I was googling and found
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You are a bit below the average in SAT. Its hard to say people’s chances here cause it never seems to be constant. For example, my roommate got into UCB for aerospace, but got put into university studies here, while I got rejected from UCB, but got into engineering. I’m in my second year of college here, if you were wondering.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for the link, seems very informative. Until recently I was actually unaware that CS is in the engineering school, and when I found out I was pretty bummed because of all the things I’ve heard about how competitive it is (my stats aren’t very good). But hopefully you’re right about the lack of consistency and I would get lucky somehow…</p>

<p>I actually think you are competitive.</p>

<p>My son was accepted OOS in engineering for this fall with SATs of M 660 and V 570 (those are the only ones VT uses). His GPA is 3.7 and GPAw is 3.9. 3 AP courses (Calc AB, BC and Literature).</p>

<p>He did have more ECs than you have but don’t discount 82 volunteer hours. That is what Ut Prosim is all about right? You could get a good essay out of that.</p>

<p>One never knows exactly how the admission process works but I think you have a good chance. Good luck.</p>