Please Chance me for RD LAC/Ivy League Applications!

Hang in there. Last year my D was WL’d at Bates, got into Colby as a Presidential Scholar and got into Grinnell with merit. She ended up getting into a bunch of great schools and didn’t take her WL spot at Bates. :crossed_fingers:

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Sounds exactly like me (hopefully lol)!! I’m really hanging onto Barnard which is similarly selective and unfortunately I’m having trouble loving any other schools the same :frowning: Thank you for the insight : )


You look super qualified for Barnard! Barnard and Colby are roughly the same in selectivity (I think Colby is even a little more selective), so the fact that you are considered a TOP APPLICANT (aka. you got the pres. scholar email) at Colby is a very good sign for Barnard! Wishing you so much luck!

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Got into Sarah Lawrence with Presidential Scholarship ($35k/year)! This is one of my SUPER TOP choices so I am ecstatic!!!

Btw, do you guys want me to keep updating or is it getting old lol?


Nope keep ‘em coming!



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@PerformingDude congratulations! I’ve been following your progress since your initial post. Look forward to hearing your final choice! Best wishes to you.

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Thank you!! Will definitely keep you posted! It’s nice to have a supportive following!!


@PerformingDude good news never gets old! We are invested in you now. :grin:

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Got into Colby!!!


@gotham_mom, did your D get the pres. scholar invite with the acceptance letter or later?

I don’t remember. She’s out, but I’ll see if I can find out. Thrilled that you were accepted!

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Ok!! Thank you and thank you!!! You have been so supportive of me throughout this whole process and it really means a lot!! :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:

I did a little digging, and I’m pretty sure that she heard separately about the Presidential Scholars acceptance. I found her acceptance packet and there were two letters, one general acceptance letter and the other an acceptance to the Presidential Scholars program.

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Thank you for clarifying!! :yellow_heart:

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Waitlisted at Bowdoin! Expected rejection (my app was NOTABLY bad for Bowdoin and two people got admitted ED from my school), so I’m totally fine! Whatever is meant to happen will happen!


Good news from Conn and Oberlin today! 7/8!


I just got rejected from Ithaca College for music ed. It’s actually the admissions officers that make the decision about it (the music faculty only do an evaluation and decision recommendation). I just find it hilarious that I got rejected from the leadership program and music ed from a school with a 73% acceptance rate (they offered me to apply to another major but I wasn’t planning on attending anyway so I withdrew my app). Good chuckle, no tears - moving on!

hey man, you have an amazing profile!! hope you get in to your dream school - i definitely think you have a shot! :))

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