Please Chance Me for Virginia Tech Early Decision

White male from NOVA
GPA: 4.02w, 3.8uw
SAT Math: 610
SAT English: 660
ACT Math: 30
ACT English: 26
Super score with ACT: somewhere between 1350 and 1400
Intended Major: Accounting
APs: Lang, Lit, US History, Government, Environmental Science, Calculus BC
6 honors classes
Extracurriculars: DECA 9-12, DECA competition 11-12, Key Club 11, National Honor Society 10-11, Latin Honor Society 9-11
Awards: state finalist in DECA competition, 2nd place on district test DECA competition, honor roll, academic letter
some volunteering

You should be good. I am in the exact same boat as you and I feel good about my chances.