<p>Im a rising senior, want to know what to expect. Im indian and from long island, new york</p>
<p>GPA: 3.85</p>
<p>AP: Bio:5 World:4 Physics:5 Computer Science:5 Language:4 US:5 Calc BC:5
Taking Senior Year: Macro and Micro English Lit, Chem, </p>
<p>SAT II: Bio: 800 Math I:800 Math II:800 Physics:780</p>
Research at SUNY:Stony Brook for 2 years on Carbon Based nano particles for use in bio medical applications, i have successfully gotten 3 publications
Varsity Football (10,11,12) Starting Middle Linebacker and Captain for upcoming Senior Year
Varsity Basketball(11,12)
Volunteering at nursing home for 300+ hours
Work at 150+ hours at FONAR which is an MRI company
Pre Med program at WashU in STL
Science Research Program in SUNY:Stony Brook</p>
Siemens Semi-Finalist (Worked with partner who was senior to let me compete early)
Young Epidemiology Scholar Finalist
Long Island Math Fair Gold Medal
Long Island Science Congress Merit Award
Congressional Youth Silver Medal</p>
<p>Recs: Will Get Great Rec's
Essay: Will be good, maybe not stellar</p>
<p>Chance Me For:
Wash U in St. Louis
and even though I wont get in, HYPM</p>
<p>You have a 2370. You’ll probably be fine. Your GPA might be a bit lower than average for these elite schools where 4.0 is the norm, but still, .15 isn’t enough to mess you up that bad when you have a nigh perfect SAT.</p>
<p>I’d say WashU, Duke, and Berkeley are 70% admits, and HYPSM are, I dunno, low but you’ll probably get into one.</p>
<p>“2370” “Carbon Nano Particles” “Varsity Football” “Varsity Basketball” - Sounds like a Stanford Student to me. You are a competitive applicant for basically any college, and I am sure you already know that.</p>
<p>You’re definitely a very competitive applicant at all your schools. Definitely apply to all those listed, but don’t forget proper safeties. Maybe you should consider applying Early Decision to one of those schools? It can only help. I applied ED to NYU and I’m sure it helped me get in. </p>
<p>At all of these schools, nothing’s sure, but I’d say you have a very good shot for WashU, Duke and Berkeley, and as good a shot as any non-hooked applicant at HYPSM.</p>
<p>Also, if you could look at my thread, that would be great. Thanks!</p>
-Lack of traditional leadership roles in clubs and other activities
-gpa. What’s your class rank, can’t tell if a 3.85 is good or bad without context. </p>
-Good accomplishments with research
-Good work/volunteering</p>
<p>Unless you are not in the top 5%, you should be good for Wash U, Duke, and Berkley. The rest will be tougher for obvious reasons. You would probably have to be in the top 1-2% to have a solid chance.</p>
<p>By Indian do you mean Native American or South Asian. I don’t mean to stereotype, but football is quite a unique EC when it comes to South Asians ^^.</p>
<p>Wash U in St. Louis - Target
Duke - High Target
Stanford - Low Reach
Berkeley - High Target
Harvard - Reach
Yale - Reach
Princeton - Reach
MIT - High Reach</p>
<p>Good luck! But you seem like a really great applicant so I’m sure you’ll get in wherever you want to go! Just be passionate in your supplement and let it shine!</p>
<p>Asian Male from NE: Bad
Scores: Good
Siemens Semi-Finalist: Great</p>
<p>Wash U in St. Louis: Waitlisted if apply for FA
Duke: Good Chance
Stanford: Nobody knows
Berkeley: In
Harvard: Reach
Yale: Reach but better chance if you apply as STEM major
Princeton: Same as Yale
MIT: Reach but solid chances</p>
<p>Probably in at Washington University and Duke. Also, because you’re from Long Island, you may have a very high chance at Caltech, Berkeley, and Stanford simply because of geographic balancing. I agree with Kieran0696 that you sound like a Stanford student. HYPM are all so touchy that it really cannot be predicted; frankly, you’re well in the range to go there but whether you get in or not is mostly random chance. While I would say your odds are not sure-thing, at least they may be significantly better than average. You have a chance to get into at least one.</p>
<p>I’ve considered cal tech but i’ve heard that they have serious grade deflation which could hurt my chances getting into graduate school, but isnt Wash U in St. Louis need blind? but thanks for the chance, ill chance you guys back!</p>