Please chance me if I have a sibling at my dream school

I have a sister who goes to the school that I’ve applied. I have an almost perfect SSAT(2395, 99%) and a perfect gpa. I also have a strong resume in music (winners in many competitions, music related activities such as orchestra) and in writing (clubs, writing awards). Some experience in debate. The only thing I am concerned about is that I have not involved in any sports for the past 2 years. I’ve expressed a lot of interests in joining any level of sports during my interviews since I used to be an athletic person (played soccer for 4 years). I occasionally run and swim but it’s more like leisure now.

Unlike me, my sister currently does 3 Varsity sports.

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Your post isn’t detailed enough for me to make any assumptions, but you seem like a great kid and I don’t think not playing sports will automatically put your applicant in the rejection bin.

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It’s hard to tell you much - without knowing the school you’re aiming for. I will say that I think many schools are looking for talented kids, not just kids who are talented at sports.

Being a fantastic musician is a boost. Have you been in contact with the music department at this dream school? If not. I’d encourage you to reach out, through your AO.

Are you looking for financial aid? Having read many posts on here over the past year, that seems to be a factor in admissions and there have been posts of students with siblings at a school who are themselves denied, even with superior academics and extracurriculars, if they have significant financial need.

It’s one of HADES…

Asked for FA but not eligible for a significant amount.

Being a sibling legacy will likely help your chances, provided your sibling is viewed positively.

However, there’s luck involved. I don’t think you are being compared so much to the broad applicant pool. Instead, you will be compared at least somewhat to other good players on your musical instrument who meet the academic threshold of acceptance, which you clearly do.

It depends a lot on whether or not the orchestra already has a critical mass of good players on your instrument, and on if other applicants who play your instrument well also offer athletic and other abilities that the committee may believe you don’t. E.g., if you are a really good violinist, but the school already has five or six, especially if they are on the younger side, your chances are lower than they otherwise would be. Or, if the other good violinist/applicants might also be varsity athletes, your chances would be lower. But, if the orchestra is short on what you play and the music director likes your playing, you surely have a good chance, provided you seem like a likable person.


I think we talk a lot about sports here because we just happen to have a few athlete families AND it’s a little more obvious when amazing athletes get into schools (Tabor girls bb team???).

But I absolutely know that schools are not just focused on athletes. I think you have a very solid chance. Again, some of those schools may be more legacy concerned than others.

Once more I want to make sure you’ve been in contact with the appropriate music people.

Sibling legacy generally helps. It doesn’t seem like there is anything about you that would give anyone pause. So I suspect your odds are good. Not everyone is an athlete!

With that said, I really encourage you to think about why this is your dream school and how having a sibling there has influenced you… There are plenty of families who send all their kids to the same school and are happy with that decision. There are also many – and notably, faculty (who know the ins and outs of BS extremely well)-- who do not in order to get the best fit for each kid.

Let us know how it goes for you and good luck!


how did you study?