Please chance me my fellow CC'ers

<p>First, I'd like to thank all the the CC'ers who have helped me and answered my plethora of questions. (Ophrah, Tyler09, Alissa, and more!)</p>

<p>Here is the information I will be submitting to the Cardinals... Please tell me what you think. (I will also be attaching my resume, please feel free to comment on if you see anything more important than the ones I will be including in my Common Application)</p>

<p>Common Application:</p>

<p>GPA: 4.0
Rank: N/A (At least top 5 out of 500)
Counselor wrote Predicted Summa Cum Laude / Valedictorian
ACT: 34, 12 Writing
SAT II : Math II- 800, Chemistry- 760 ( I retook it in Dec, waiting for score)
SAT (Bad) - 760 Math, 680 CR, 680 Writing, (Yeah, borderline low-end Stanford spectrum, I hope ACT will make up for this)</p>

<p>AP Calculus AB (5) - Sophomore
AP Calculus BC (5) - Junior
AP Chemistry (4) - Junior
AP Biology
AP European History
AP Chinese (Self Study<em>)
AP World History (SS</em>)</p>


<p>Option 1: Biomedical & Biomedical Sciences
Option 2: Business
Option 3: Computer and Information Sciences</p>


<p>From my list of Extracurricular Activities, I have chosen the following to include:</p>

<p>In the order of Activities | Position | Details</p>


<p>Foreign Language-9th,10th,11th,12th</p>

<p>[Chinese Club- Founder, French Club- President, National French Honor Society, New Century Program]</p>

<p>[All: Organized meetings and prepared fundraisers. Chinese: Led and proposed the club to school board]</p>


<p>Computer/ Technology-9th,10th,11th,12th</p>

<p>[FIRST Robotics-Vice President/Group Leader, Computer Club- Vice President]</p>

<p>[Robotics-Regional Chairman's Award, National Champion-3 years, Computer-created meeting agendas]</p>



<p>[Summer Participant] <<<<< Is there any way to reword this?</p>

<p>[University of Michigan's Summer Science Academy Program, Gains in the Education of Math & Science]</p>


<p>Varsity Outdoor Track- 9th,10th,11th,12th</p>

<p>[Varsity Captain, Scholar Athlete]</p>


<p>Academics - 9th,10th,11th,12th</p>

<p>[Quiz Bowl-Treasurer, Math/Science Team-Secretary]</p>

<p>[Nationals High School Quiz Bowl participant. Math/Science Team- Organized fundraisers]</p>


<p>Community service - 10th,11th,12th</p>

<p>[Student Representative/ Ex-Officio Member]</p>

<p>City Of (!@#@)Housing and Community Development Committee. (!@#@)Public Library Youth Advisory Board</p>






<p>Additional Information:</p>

<p>I plan to elaborate on my experiences at GEMS/SSAP
Any other suggestions?</p>






<p>Received National Merit Commendation
Received Scholar Athlete Award for Varsity Track and Field
Attended MIPA Journalism Conference
Received Scholar Athlete Award for Track and Field
Received National Chemistry Olympiad District Finalist Award
Attended DECA Business Nationals 2008 (Auto qualify for States this year)
Nominated for and attended the National Leadership Conference on Medicine and Health
Received FIRST Robotics National Champion Award for 2008
Received Volunteer of the Month award for October 2007
Nominated for and attended New Century Summer Language Program in Chinese at Schoolcraft Community college.
Received Novi Youth Assistance Award
Attended University of Michigan’s Summer Science Academy Program
Received Outstanding Mentor Award (Taught Middle School students)
Inducted into National Honor Society
Received Outstanding Academic Achievement Award
Received FIRST Robotics National Champion Award for 2007
Received Regional Chairman’s Team Award for FIRST Awards
Inducted into the National French Honor Society</p>

Providence Hospital Volunteer -3 years, Job Fair Volunteer
Salvation Army Volunteer ( 3 years- various activities - food bank, kettle bell)
Tutored Middle School Students
Nominated to attend –
Medicine & Healthcare Congressional Student Leadership Conference- attended
National Young Leaders Conference-attended
National Youth Leadership Forum on Medicine-attended
National Society of High School Scholars
National Student Leadership Conference</p>

<p>Thank you for taking the time to glance through this. Any comments/criticisms will be fully appreciated.</p>

<p>You obviously haven’t learned much… when will you people learn that almost everyone (except athletes) is a “reach” for Stanford?? These “chance me” threads are useless for a school like Stanford.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input. I guess my thing was. Did I put the most important stuff?</p>

<p>Thank you for taking your time to click the thread.</p>

<p>Perhaps, these aren’t chance threads per say, but rather requests for help like the OP said. Obviously, many of the applicants here are exemplars of academia and taking initiative. I think the best thing we can do is to suggest other activities or areas to focus extensively in as opposed to telling people whether they are in or they have to reach. </p>

<p>p.s. I know that by not really suggesting any course of action, I might come across as hypocritical, but I don’t have much experience in the admissions/activities spectrum at the moment.</p>

<p>Thank you for your opinion as well.</p>

<p>After spending the last two hours reading all 36 pages of the “Official Stanford 2013 SCEA Class,” I’ve seen tons of applications similar and better than mine. All I can hope for is that my essays stand out.
I am really scared for my counselor rec. I have known her for three months, and frankly, she has been a counselor for three years.</p>

<p>1337toast (hehe gamer name) - Do you think I made the right EC choices?</p>

<p>Like I said, I don’t have much experience on the matter, but the general sentiment is that as long as you are driven and passionate(quite the “buzzword” nowadays) in the EC’s that you have and can demonstrate that to the Stanford adcoms…perhaps even going so far as to elaborate on how this could be developed or transmuted into something better at Stanford…then there is no problem. As a sidenote, it is quite maddening that so many students seem to do the exact same things. The disparities between students are often downplayed in application processes unfortunately. Personally, I wish everybody could fall asleep and forget to send in their apps on the due date, but life isn’t nearly that easy.</p>

<p>EDIT:Oh and before I forget… you seem to be a great applicant on paper and appear to be more than qualified as a prospective student…as so many are. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Seeing that we are not admissions officers, our best predictor of your chances is the overall admission rate. They predict around 27000 applicants overall, for a class of 1600, maybe less. 5360 applied early, and around 690 got in… so that makes around 21640 applicants, (assuming Stanford’s matriculation rate remains 70%) vying for about 2280-690 = 1590 spots, giving you about a 7% shot for RD. It is going to be insanely tough this year, don’t worry so much about how you will package your ECs, but how you will write your essays to convey everything that needs to be conveyed for admission.</p>