Please Chance me out of state

<p>Current junior from Missouri at a very competitive independent school</p>

<p>3.82 GPA, school does not weight
Taking 2 AP's this year, AP Biology and AP Macroeconomics
Grades have had an upward trend, had about a 3.6 freshman year, brought that up to a 3.9 sophomore year, currently have all A's so far junior year
On practice tests, I usually get between a 2040 and 2070 on the SAT, with math hovering around 680, reading around 700, writing around 680 as well. Although I haven't practiced the ACT as much, on a practice test I got around a 31.</p>

<p>I'm involved in school activities, as I participate in the Spanish Club, the Arts Council, am a peer trainer for a program that supports smart choices about drinking, play squash in the winter, and am photographer for the lacrosse team. Outside of school, I volunteered as a camp counselor at the YMCA the summer before sophomore year, and worked as a paid employee at an accounting firm the summer before junior year. Additionally, I am on the Youth Council for the Children's Hospital. I have also won 2 awards for the National Spanish Examination. </p>

<p>looks good.</p>