Please Chance Me!

<p>I reside in San Francisco and am a Muslim female. I'm currently a rising senior and will be applying to the UC's this fall. </p>


<p>Freshman Year
English, Geometry, Animations, Health Ed, PE, Spanish 1 & 2</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
English H, Adv Algebra, Modern World, Bio, PE, Spanish 3 & 4</p>

<p>Junior Year
American Lit H, Pre Calculus H, Chemistry H, US History, NJROTC, Drama, Health Sciences</p>

<p>Senior Year (anticipated classes)
AP English, AP Calculus, AP Chemistry, Econ H, Health Sciences II, Physiology, Physics H</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:</p>

<p>Technovation Innovation (Developed an app at Twitter which enabled high school students to study for their science exams; led a team of 5)</p>

<p>Carry the One Radio (Created a science podcast which was featured on the radio as well as CtOR's website)</p>

<p>Gladstone Summer Scholar (Researched HIV in a highly authorized BSL2 biomedical laboratory using HIV infected T Cells)</p>

<p>Islamic Center of San Francisco Waqf (Student at local mosque for over 10 years, then volunteer at mosque to assist teachers in helping children to read The Quran)</p>

<p>Drama (Manager of Advertising Team; Led a team of 10 and created together over 500 flyers, posters, tickets, and brochures to advertise for our annual spring play)</p>

<p>I've also done a few other EC's. </p>

<p>My dream school is Berkeley. My weighted UC GPA is 4.2. Please chance me for all UC's. </p>

<p>Thank you. </p>

<p>You have interesting extracurriculars. Keep it up! However, you didn’t mention any SAT 1/2 or ACT scores. Also, you haven’t taken many APs. is it because they aren’t offered before senior year? </p>

<p>I switched schools halfway through high school. Freshmen & sophomores weren’t able to take AP’s. I was a new student at my current school and so “old” students had priority over AP classes; there weren’t any spots left. My ACT score is 24, but I didn’t study for it. Currently studying for it and plan on raising my score to at least a 29. Also plan on taking Chem and Math II subject tests. I’m not the best when it comes to standardized tests, but I’m hoping my personal statement and EC’s shine through. @Dream0n</p>