Please Chance Me

<p>Here are my stats
i am a Senior
I got an 1890 on my SAT(2400)
I got an 1310 on my SAT(1600)
I have 3.6 unweighted GPA and a 4.0 weighted GPA
I am in the top 10 percent of my class
I volunteer 50 hours every year
I am Asian and I live in Pennsylvania
I am part of Key Club, FBLA, and Robotics.
I am the current president of FBLA and I am on the Key Club board
I have been part of the Varsity Tennis team for 3 years
I want to major in Business Administration</p>

<p>You are fairly competitive at Lehigh I think. My SAT scores are about the same as yours. I didn’t get in ED, but I’m not giving up!</p>

<p>I got in ED and I had a 1310/1600 and a 1970/2400
3.5 GPA, But I took 9 APs and 3 Honors Classes
Did a lot of ECs like Mathletes, Select Choir etc.
No Sports, but held down a job that I loved and eventually ended up writing my so-so essay about it.
So I’d say you have a good shot If you took tough classes.</p>