Please Chance me :)

<p>SAT: 2180 (780w, 680cr, 720m)
SAT II: 750 World history, 780 Chem, 780 Spanish
GPA: 3.94 Unweighted Core classes
Class rank: 16/680 in a top Public School
Hispanic Male from GA
8 APs, 8 Honors</p>

<p>Course Load: Fresh- Honors english (A,A), Honors Bio (A,A), Honors Spanish 2 (A,A) Algebra 2 (A,A), Health (A), Civics (A), Art (A), Theatre (A)</p>

<p>Soph: AP World (A,A), Honors Precalc (A,B), Honors english (A,A) Honors Spanish 3 (A,A), Honors Chem (A,A) Theatre (A,A)</p>

<p>Junior: AP Chem (A,A), AP Calc AB (B,A), AP English Lang (A,A), Honors Spanish 4 (A,A), US History (A,A) Theatre (A,A)</p>

<p>Senior: AP Gov. (A,?), AP Spanish (A,?) AP Physics (A,?), AP English Lit (A,?) Theatre (A,?)
Directing (A,?)</p>

<p>EC’s: Officer Student Council all 4 years, President Junior Year.
Varsity Swimming (9,10)
JV Cross Country (9)
HEAVILY involved in schools Drama Dept. (8 Musicals, 7 plays)
Spanish NHS
Won awards in various piano and vocal competitions
Governors Honors Program (competetive summer program for GA HS students)
Counselor for Summer Camp (9,10)</p>

<p>Thank you guys so much!!!</p>

<p>SAT CR lower than other SATs, but is in Brown’s range. GPA very slightly low, but of course if only for cores it is likely fine. The rest looks great. Drama is a big plus for Brown. I think. URM (Hispanic) is the clincher.<br>
Good luck.</p>

<p>no one is certain to get into any of these ivies, but being actually qualified and hispanic you have an extremely good chance</p>



<p>this is embarrassing and will make them question your minority status</p>

<p>jk lol</p>

<p>you have an awesome chance. good luck!</p>

<p>haha i never thought about that…
I’m actually not even a native speaker though; i learned the regular way, just like everyone else ;)</p>

<p>haha, i actually almost took the Spanish SAT IIs, but figured it would be kind of ridiculous seeing as i’m basically a native speaker, so i took french instead, which i studied in school. now, i kind of wish i had just taken the spanish one because i ended up with a score of 560 (gah). <em>sighs</em></p>

<p>I think you have good chances. Emphasize those theater passions! Btw, I like your username =P</p>

<p>I think you’ve got a good shot. The scores are good, and being a URM male apparently helps. Good Luck! Could you chance me back?</p>

<p>You’re in. 10 char</p>