Please chance me

<p>I'm going into my junior year and I really want to go to UCLA or USC. This upcoming junior year I'm taking DE US history, AP english,chemistry, algebra 2 and student council. Freshman and sophomore year i took all the basic classes no AP or pre AP classes. So it was algebra 1, world history,spanish 1,spanish 2,geometry, english 9,10 and some electives. I played varsity basketball 1 year and I'm in a summer hoops like and have been in for two years and plan on it for two more year. I have volunteered for a junior high volleyball team for two years and will also do that for two more years. Also I did some tutoring not much but some in english. I want to get a summer job next summer but I don't know what would look good on an application Any suggestions? Also any good ideas for volunteer work? My school is also in the top 10% of schools in AZ and it's so so not too many AP classes are offered.</p>

<p>I had a 3.5 GPA freshman year and a 3.75 sophomore year both UW. Assuming I have a solid GPA the next two years get a good summer job and do about 150 hours of volunteer work along with writing good essays(which I know I can do) and getting good scores on my ACT and SAT what are my chances at UCLA,USC,UCSB,UCSD,UOFA,NYU,Oregon.</p>