Please Chance

<p>White Quaker from an average HS in semi-rural PA</p>

<p>GPA: 3.8
AP Scholar with Honor
Member of the French National Honor Society
Current Schedule:
4 AP Classes (Art History, Literature, Macroeconomics, French)
One Honors Level Course
Good Counselor Rec
Great Teacher Rec's
Great Essay (seriously, it will make them cry).</p>

CR: 640
Math: 510
Writing: 620
US History: 760
World History: 720</p>

Captain of Debate Team
Member of Quizbowl
Member of Young Democrats
Volunteer Work for Planned Parenthood
CX King is online now</p>

<p>Ouch… that SAT score hurts.
Pretty good GPA if that’s UW. If it’s W… it may be a little weak.</p>

<p>What college are you applying to? That can play a major role in decisions.
And having an amazing essay isn’t going to help much unless you are borderline. Which I can’t tell given the fact that you have not stated which college you are applying to.</p>

<p>It’s LAS for History</p>