PLEASE donate your all knowing services!

<p>Ok,first i would like to thank you for even considering my problems and taking a glance at my thread. thank you. OK, here goes. here are my specs (giggle):</p>

<p>I am a senior at a very populated high school (750+ in my class) kids. I am ranked about <13 / 750 students. My sat's are not so great. i got a 1930 on my new sat's and subtracting the writing, i got a 1310 (m: 690, R:620). I am about to take math2C and biology M for my sat 2's. i think i will get >700 on them. I dont know what weighted an unweighted {please explain if not too long} GPA is, but in my school 6.0 is A+ in AP class, 5.5 in honors and 4.5 in A class and my GPA is ~4.9 or 5. my transcript includes all required classes in honors (except english) and my AP load last year was Bio, Calc AB, and US history (got all 5's [yay!]). this year, i have stats, BC, chem and physics. Also, i like to consider my self a minority, as I came from Ukraine 9 years ago. My activities include:
-Chess club (10,11,prez in 12)
-Science League (10,11,12)
-math league (11,12)
-national science honor society (11,12)
-national honor society (nominated 11th grade [didnt have enough activities,withdrew my application, turns out i did woulda been in it, as chess club was originaly said not to be an academic activity. go figure], 12]
-math and science appreciation(11,12) </p>

<p>-have 80+ hours of volunteering at dept. of forestry, parks
- 20+ hours of tutoring kids/friends in neighborhood in Ukraine, unoffiially</p>

<p>so, my dillema is this. I really want to do something with phramaceuticals, biomedical eng, biochem eng, genetics, chem eng, and realted fields. I really want to apply Early desicion to cornell , undecided. im also considering carnegie-mellon, johns hopkins, stevens IT, rutgers(safety). i was wondering if:
1) any other schools that are good in those fields that are ivy league or close, and i would have a shot at getting in?
2) are the forementioned schools good in those fields?
3) will ED help me?
4) what should i be doing right now (mid to late-september)?[ i was spending summer in ukraine/russia, and i didnt visit any schools, and was wondering if thatwas important; i KNOW that college life may suck but i dont care that much, unles it is horribly terrible)
5) any other suggestions that could Boo000OOOst my chances of getting in those or other schools?
6) general tips about the entire process would be extermely apriciated</p>

<p>any additional info needed, i will provide</p>

<p>i would like to thank you agian for looking over my humble problems and giving recommendations...</p>

<p>sorry it is alot of reading...</p>

<p>WOW thank you for all the responses and the help.</p>

<p>well, you may not like the truth but compared with the others on this site, your test scores, rank, GPA, etc. are way to low in comparison. I suggest you look more to matches rather than reaches. But whos to say that you can't get in; I'm just give you practical advice.</p>