Please grade my essay for 12....

A well-known company recently proposed setting aside every Friday as a day with no e-mail-based communication. On these email-free Fridays, employees would be encouraged to refrain completely from reading or sending e-mail or text messages and advised instead to call each other or talk in person. This idea can work for everyone. If each week we set aside time to actually talk to one another, our communications will be less impersonal and more effective and satisfying. Assignment: Is talking the most effective and satisfying way of communicating with others? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

"A picture may speak a thousand words but surely our mouths can do much more!” I strongly cite that verbal communication is the best means of communicating with others. By conversing we actually convey a lot more than we intend to.

In the book called “Troops” written by Susan Paul elucidates how much important and effective verbal communication can be. The army has sent a surveillance troop first which has been seized by the rivals. Now the rivals control the first troop to send the green signal to the army. However, the commander in chief doubts it as they had first planned for a vocal pass code then the signal and demands the verbal approval. Having understood the situation, the army starts the battle and eventually wins it. ‘If’ they had planned something like a facsimile from the surveillance troop then the outcome would have become otherwise. Thus, the vitality of speech is clearly seen here.

This is true for real life incidents also. To exemplify this, I would like to take into account the silent file “In the night” by George Mint. The film had received great response when it was released; however, when the same film was taken some decades later with audio effects, people naturally felt the difference. It is quite evident that nobody can deny that talking is the most effective way of communicating with people.

There are many more instances where one can realize that, even with the email and other applications, speech is the powerful tool of communication. It is up to the people to understand that they would feel a sense of satisfaction when they allocate time to speak with one another and convey the words of theirs minds.

Grammar: 2
Diction: 4
Thesis: 3
Supporting Details:2
Organization: 3

Overall: 2-3/6, 5/12