please help a junior ( from high school)

<p>We have to construct a weight support for a 200 pound machine, but the catch is that we can only use the following materials:</p>

<p>1) only ONE peice of paper
2) No more than 12 inches of 3/4 inch wide masking tape
3) One tablespoon of yellow wood glue</p>

<p>There has to be a hole in the center to allow for a 1 inch diameter rod to fit through... also it must be atleast 1 inch tall and 3 inches across.</p>

<p>Can someone help me? Please!</p>

<p>What would you learn if we helped you?</p>

<p>I tried everything, but it doesn't work!</p>

<p>did you try a design that incorporates trusses or arcs-- hyperbolic arcs to be exact :P--- also try adding glue to the outside of the paper to give it more strength--- kinda seems like a cool problem. also- maybe try doing something with tension structures-- and invert them to be compression structures?- just a few Ideas.</p>

<p>adding glue to the outside of the paper? Wait, that might actually work! Thanks Tzar! what is a compression structure? </p>

<p>This class is just class everyone takes to graduate if they don't have a music or art credit -- so I don't really know much about what makes a strong design :(</p>

<p>this is more engineering than anything else- not so much art--- but I still like the creative/inventive aspects of a project like this-- </p>

<p>I would do a little research- I am not sure I completely understand what you are making or what this machine looks like- but knowing something about structure might help you a little. Hopefully you find something that works- just keep thinking up ideas and testing them- (I am sure that is at least half of this project)</p>

<p>Thanks Tzar, I tried your glue idea and I think it just might work...</p>