Please help me calculate my UC GPA?!

<p>Hi, I’m currently a junior and my dream school is UCSB. I was aiming for UCSD but my gpa sucks so …
anyways! I used various websites to try calculating my gpa but I don’t think it’s right.
so please help me ! so i know if I should look into less competitive schools :c</p>

<p>sophomore year:
AP World History A/A
Pre-AP english A/A
Chemistry A/A
Algebra 2 A/A
Dance A/A
Spanish 2 A/A</p>

<p>junior year: ( worst grade ever, aiming for all A’s 2nd semester but for now the grades are as follows)
AP Lang B/B
AP us history A/A
AP enviro B/B ( LOL)
Pre calc B/A
AP Psych B/A
Spanish 3 A/A</p>

<p>help me please !!! </p>

<p>You don’t have to calculate anything. You can get your accumulative GPA from your guidance counselor.</p>

<p>Or go to your guidance office and ask them if you can have a copy of your transcript. Your accumulative GPA from freshman year up to the last semester should be on there. If you want to include this past quarter, you probably can get that from your school’s website if they post your grades on there. </p>

<p>Usually an “A” in a regular class is 4 points, “B’s” are 3 points a piece.
An “A” in AP course, Honor or Advanced class is 5 points. And a “B” is 4 points. </p>

<p><a href=“GPA Calculator for the University of California – RogerHub”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>what @UCadmitted said. You don’t want any old gpa you want your UC gpa. But you look like you’d fit well at UCSB, from your grades alone. You need a test score, though.</p>

<p>On a quick calculation I get a UC gpa of 4.09 with slightly higher ‘uncapped’ - 4.18. But check my work. </p>