Please Help me decide!!!

<p>I am going to be a junior this coming year and Im already stressed out.
At first I was planning to go to a university in Texas (UT Pan-American) coz its 5 minutes away from me but then i talked to my friend and he said its just a waste of my talent. But the problem is that, yea I want to go to Harvard, but i have heard that most people who go there are really good at debate and speaking and that is where i lack!</p>

<p>I can persuade people and have good ideas for debate but its just that I cant speak in front of people with great conviction ( I have a habit of stuttering) I am so confused i dont know what to do. Is there any way I can even think about harvard?</p>

<p>btw I am in Top 2% of my class (of about 180 students) and good @ academics...</p>

<p>Your help/advice greatly appreciated!</p>


<p>Yes, There are many students that are in my mind underqualified relative to the common app pool that got into Harvard. Of course, the vast majority are exceptionally gifted in one certain area and have a well mastery of a broad range of subject areas at hand. Does that area neccessarily have to be debate? no. Tons of ppl get into Harvard get in, and the reason why they got in is NOT because of their debate skills.</p>

<p>What makes Harvard so special to you? Why do you want to go to Harvard other than the prestige and connections. Superior academics can be found someplace else as well. </p>

<p>What do you want to major in? What is your stats like? Are you going to base your single opinion just because a friend told you UTExas is a waste of your talent. We can be the ones deciding that. ;0) Show us your stats in information.</p>

<p>Why do you want to go to Harvard? Is it because you've looked into the school and have decided that it's the right fit for you, or is it because it's Harvard-- a name brand?</p>

<p>Don't get me wrong. Harvard is obviously a great school, but it's not the only great school, and it's not necessarily a great match for you (maybe it is-- who knows?). Personally, I'm not interested in Harvard, because I don't think it's a good match for me.</p>

<p>What exactly are you looking for in a college?</p>

<p>Anyways, if you've already done all the research and have decided that Harvard is the school for you, don't worry about the public speaking thing. Not everyone who goes to Harvard is a debate whiz kid. Harvard IS crazy difficult to get into, though. No matter how qualified you are, you may not get in.</p>

<p>Yeah to be honest. After just re-reading what you just wrote for this threads and the comments you just made, you shoudn't apply to Harvard.</p>

<p>Like, If you can't think for yourself properly, you shouldn't even consider applying for Harvard.</p>

<p>The reason I want to go to Harvard is because of its research background. Presently, I am conducting a summer research @ UTPA on Beta-Lactam anit- cancer drug and I realized that in my journey on becoming a physician, I want to start from an unknown and try to figure out how to apply it in basic life.
I want to double major in Biology and Chemistry and minor in Psycology and English
While Harvard as a name brand is an asset, I am considering this college based on its challenging curriculum and excellent oppurtuniy in research area.
Since I decided to go to Harvard Medical School, I was waondering it would increase my chances in geeting in if I was a graduate from their Undergrad University, and thats another reason I chose Harvard.</p>

<p>Also, for Harvard (or any other top tier school), you'll need more than just top 2% and good at academics. You'll need a pretty intense courseload: AP classes, IB classes, or even classes for credit at a local college. You'll need a high GPA: Harvard's average GPA is probably around a 3.9. You'll need high SAT and SAT subject test scores (in the 700s, probably) or a high ACT score. You'll need strong extra curriculars to which you have proven dedication, preferably with leadership positions. Academic awards, community service, work/internship experience, competitions won. And, of course, a strong essay. All of these factors (and more) go into admissions decisions.</p>

<p>Everyone who applies to harvard is good at academics. It takes a lot to stand out.</p>

<p>You couldn't have considered a better school for academic research. That is an excellent and very well thoughtout reason to attend Harvard.</p>

<p>I apologize for discounting you, the original post had a lot missing and truly was not an accurate depiction of the real you. As an undergraduate, I heard from my friends at Harvard thats its very easy to go to HMS via their undergrad. I cannot stress how much he emphasized "easy." I doubt it, you must be the top of your class of premeds to get accepted. Of course, it may be because the most largest delegation fo students entering HMS is from Harvard undergrad. That is why it is considered "easy" because relative to the rest of the applicant pool, it is easy via the same undergrad.</p>

<p>Harvard is the best choice for academic medicine. Your graduate degree matters A LOT when it comes to academic medicine.</p>

<p>Couple other schools to look into: Search</a> - Medical - Best Graduate Schools - Education - US News and World Report</p>

<p>Given your final goal is academic medicine, you can attend ANY of the top 15 prestigious schools or even top 30 for that matter so long as you get into a very reputable research medical school in the end.... JUST GET GREAT GRADES. If HMS is what your looking for, then go to Harvard. That is, if you CAN get in.</p>

<p>Okay. Reasons are good. Again, many colleges offer a challenging curriculum and opportunities for research, so I really suggest looking into other colleges if you haven't already. To just decide that Harvard is it without even looking at any other top tier schools is definitely a mistake. Maybe you haven't done this, but just in case you have, I suggest messing around the forum to look for other schools that meet your needs. Or maybe check out </p>

<p>I don't think doing undergrad at Harvard is going to improve your chances of getting into grad school there, but I could be wrong.</p>

<p>Again, if you've already looked into it and decided Harvard is your dream school, great! It's hard to get into, obviously, but I wish you good luck.</p>

<p>I apologize for discounting you, the original post had a lot missing and truly was not an accurate depiction of the real you.</p>

<p>Its fine, thanks anyway for the criticism, made me re-read my post! Maybe I was just too dis-oriented that I missed certain aspects.</p>

<p>You need to sit down and do some proper college planning. Don't just consider the closest school to your home and Harvard! That makes no sense. It seems to me that you qualify for guaranteed admission to U Texas Austin. That is one of the very top public universities in the country, and also ranks very well with all top universities, public and private. Apply there, and maybe to another UT campus. And how about Rice University, another great choice. I hope that you have thought about financing college, as well.</p>