Please help me understand Questbridge

No, unmatched finalists can apply to any of the QB partner schools’ various rounds of admission, as defined for each school here.

You will still need to apply to more schools, because all QB schools are reaches. You need target schools and at least one affordable safety school.

No. If you apply QB and become a finalist you give up the ability to apply ED1 anywhere.

If you don’t become a finalist, you know in time to apply ED1 somewhere.

If you do become a finalist and don’t match on Dec 1, some QB partner schools will allow you to roll your app into the ED1 round, but the student must pick only one at that point.

You should watch some webinars here


Click on the schools you are interested in and they will tell you how to apply ED1 if they allow it

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What types of schools is your son interested in? (Large/small, urban/suburban/rural, major/field of interest, region, etc). QB has a lot of great schools, but there are others out there that aren’t associated, but are still excellent schools and many of these also offer terrific scholarships and/or need based aid. We can offer other suggestions based upon your interests and knowing finances are a major concern (as is typical at the school where I work, so you’re not alone!).

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I think it is good program. But our concern is that we first consider CA school first. If marched ,it is binder . It makes us worried.
Thank you.

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These are considered some of the best schools in the country . Unless there is a really good reason to stay in California, most people would be thrilled to be accepted to one of these colleges — especially when it is free.

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Thank you for good informations.

My husband has health issue.
And i can’t speak English well. If my child will go out of state, one of parents should help him at first . It is very worried.
After becoming finalist, can apply ED through comon app simultaneously just in case we won’t be matched. Or we have to wait Dec/1 result?

I think you have to wait, but he will find out in time to apply ED to other colleges. Can someone else please confirm?

Also, ED to other colleges are also binding, so that’s the same as QB.

And as for helping him move in, it is nice when a parent can do that but it is not required. Many students move into college by themselves.

@babomom Does your son have a high school guidance counselor who can help him understand his options?

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Paging @milgymfam because I believe her daughter was accepted ED to her QB school after not initially matching. She might have some insight into process, timelines, etc.

It was our understanding when our daughter didn’t match but then was accepted ED1 a week later with her number 1 ranked school that because we didn’t have an EFC of zero the school preferred to give the questbridge match to those students with a zero EFC. They gave my daughter their regular meets-full-need aid, of course, but we were expected to contribute what their CSS determined we could afford. My daughter had an outside scholarship (Jack Kent Cooke) so we ended up not having to pay that, but that was the difference.


My daughter was a QB finalist. She ranked (I think) five or six schools and was not matched. Each of the schools tells the finalists their options after the match round- whether they can be considered for ED 1 or 2, or how to roll their app to RD. It was seamless for my daughter to switch to ED1 for her top school- she just had to email the admissions director and request it. She was accepted about a week after not matching.


It is hard to understand. Did you apply ED through common app or QB? After unmatched, we can apply continuously QB application? Or we have to swich our application to common app. I am very confusing. Because ED 1 deadline is by Nov 1 but we can know matched date Dec 1.
How to switch my application from QB to ED 1? Please explain more if you are available.

She applied ED with her QB app, no additional paperwork or anything at all. Each school decides how it works with them after the match, but most if not all allow students to use the QB app for the later rounds. My daughter is actually a senior now, so it’s been some years, but that is how it was when she applied.


Ok thank u.
One more clarify, example. Pomona college is listed QB . If i didn’t match, can i apply pomona through QB ? Or Stanford regular?
I know if i apply Havard, i only apply common app since havard is not listed on common app.
I have language barrier to understand all website.
Thank u again.

I just looked and for Pomona there is a supplemental form to be considered for either ED 2 or regular decision. For Stanford, finalists who rank Stanford and do not match are automatically considered for regular decision.


Thank you

This is my understanding.

It seems that if you apply through QB and rank colleges for the matching process, then you cannot apply ED to other colleges. However, if you do not match in QB, the QB colleges themselves may still consider you for ED.

There are exceptions:
You can still apply early to colleges if that is needed for special scholarships, as long as that application is not binding.

You can still apply to your own state’s public colleges early (for example, UCLA, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley, etc) even if the UC deadline is earlier than the QB notification, as long as UC college allows that.

You can apply early to any college that has a non-binding, rolling admissions process (for example, University of Pittsburgh).

Here is the reference information for the above.
QuestBridge | Early Application Policy

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Thsnks for kind explanation.
If i am finalist, and i made lists which i want to go. If i listed 15 schools, i have to write all 15 supplementary essays? Also if i didn’t match, I also write supplementary essays for all partner schools for Ed or RD ? Ex) i didn’t list Duke but i want to apply after i didn’t match, can i apply Duke QB or No? and i have to write supplementary Duke essay. Is it write?

It appears that QB has some standard essays and the partner schools also may have supplemental essays — even as part of the QB process.

If the student doesn’t match, I would assume that he or she still has to fulfill all the requirements for a “regular” application to schools they want to apply to.

However, I don’t have personal experience with QB. I am basing my thoughts on reading their webpages.

Can someone with recent, personal experience answer this question?

Yes, the student has to complete all essays that the QB app or common app ask for.

Also, you mentioned above that Harvard is not on common app, but it is. Harvard is not a QB partner, so if one becomes a QB finalist they can’t apply to Harvard SCEA, only RD. However, if a QB applicant doesn’t become a finalist, they are free to apply Harvard SCEA, or early anywhere (within the bounds of each school’s rules).

Lastly, I understand that you have a language barrier, so make sure your student is the one doing the QB research. They are the one who will be doing all the work on the QB app, and should have knowledge and ownership of the process. Of course posters here can give advice/direction.

ETA: the first step in understanding if QB makes sense is family income. It should be below $65k (generally), and most matched finalists have much lower income than that (and EFC 0). If the parents are divorced, combined incomes should be below $65k. Next the student should have a high GPA with high course rigor. Are these the case for your student?