Please help me understand Questbridge

What do you mean by this? Just to move in or something else? In reality, a student can show up by themselves freshman year and be just fine. There isn’t much for a parent to do even if they are there.

I believe that QB matches are mostly for students with 0 EFC because a QB match means four years of guaranteed full ride without the need for additional annual FA reviews. A student with 0 EFC is much more likely not to need additional FA reviews.

Please explain this further.

Questbridge applications are a LOT of work. Huge. And so are regular college applications. Please discuss your family situation with your son BEFORE he begins this process.

No one is going to accompany your child to college. A college will not allow a parent to live with a child on campus. If the college is residential and requires that first year students live on campus (most or all Questbridge schools will require this), then your son must live on campus.

It seems that you cannot afford for one of you to move to where your son is, if he goes farther from home. If there is a serious health issue in the family that means your son must remain close to home, make it clear, before he starts the application work, that he can only apply to colleges within a reasonable driving distance.

Edit: Can you please also make clear if you are the parent or the student? Some of your posts seem to refer to yourself as the person who is applying. Just want to be sure.

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It is true that most matched finalists are EFC 0 or very close to it. Some schools directly state they only match with EFC 0 students…so students have to closely read all the details for each partner school, Amherst is one of the schools that states they only will choose EFC 0 students during the match.

AFAIK, many of the QB partner schools require annual filing of FAFSA and CSS profile. Those details are in each school’s QB profile, under the FA tab. For example, Amherst, BC, and Carleton require filing FA forms each year and I am sure there are more.

ETA: Here is the link to the QB partner schools. Click on each logo to get the QB application specifics for each school. QuestBridge

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If your child goes out of school out of state, the most you will need to do is accompany him for move in and the leave, and that isn’t even really necessary. For my kids, it meant three days away from home - one day to drive there, one day to move in and set up the dorm room, one day to drive home. If your kid goes across the country, you fly instead of drive but it still shouldn’t take more than three days.

I really think your child should be leading this effort. It’s complicated and I think the language issues are leading to some of your misunderstandings and confusion, which of course is to be expected. But I think your child will be able to figure this out and understand it quicker.


Of course, my child should do himself. But moving day, most parent help . My daughter is freshman in college. She didn’t apply QB since we didn’t know. If didn’t match, can’t get same amount from national match?

If you are low income and your son is accepted to one of the “meets full need” colleges even outside of QB, he is likely to get very good financial aid. You can run the Net Price Calculators on each college’s website to get an estimate (not a guarantee) of what his need-based financial aid is likely to be. Please note that you will have to resubmit financial information each year and the colleges will recalculate your need-based aid each year based on updated information.

Additionally, if he has a good GPA and SAT scores, he will be eligible for merit-based scholarships at a lot of colleges. These may even be full ride (tuition plus room and board). These will often be at colleges that want to attract high-performing students to their colleges to “boost” their school-wide GPA and SAT data.

However, QB sounds like the best choice if he can do it.

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Thank you very much. He is 1 st in his high school and got 1580 sat. The issue will be AP exam this year. His school doesn’t focus AP exams . So he has to study himself. He is language disability so he was suffering till 8th grade. Somewhat he is developed very much. He is now in special needs student. But he is ok.

Does his school offer AP courses?

Yes. He took 4 AP s through 9th ~10 th.
But he couldn’t take Ap exams that time . This time he takes 6 aps in his school and 3 aps out of school. He applied 6 exams only this year. He got all A by first semester. He suddenly is growing at academic. So he has no confidence if he can do well at exams.He manages well class tests. He is adopting topic learning but he is struggling with something since he was learning disability.
He didn’t do well till 8th grade.

Six exams is a lot to take in one year.

Can someone else post about how important it is (or isn’t) for this student to take AP exams outside of his school. My thinking is that it is not too important for him to do that.

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Most 11 th students in our school take 6 APs because our school provides regular or AP classes since honors classes are closed by 10th except physiology honor class. So they don’t want to take regular class. But the school suggests 6 period for all grades . School doesn’t want students depature earlier school except 12 th graders . My son wanted 3 classes more since my school adds them on his transcript. He wanted to boost his gpa first if he would do well all rigorous classes and get B . Fortunately he got all A . Specially he is good at AP physics C . He didn’t take rigorous class till 10th so he takes all hard class in 11 th. He is struggling English somewhat. But it is getting better.

  • wouldn’t do well- typo

Yes, the majority of students have parents who help them move in, but not all. My daughter lived in a suite with 3 other girls her freshmen year. 1 girl showed up herself because her parents couldn’t afford the trip and the other was an international student. Many international students come alone. I would not turn down a free ride at a great school because you maybe can’t help your son move in!

My daughter has some Questbridge friends at school…It’s an amazing program!

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Thank you so much.
Your heart is really kind.
He can do himself. Just it was,parent’s worries.

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Why take APs outside of school??? Max out your school’s academics and then devote your time to an EC passion. The best colleges look for much more than tests… Just my 2 cents…

Because he wants to learn more. He could not take some ap classes before. And his school permits 6 period. EC is important but learning is most important before entering college. My daughter is freshman. Her school is a great liberal art school. She said if she didn’t take ap classes, she would be suffering. AP class learning is very important for college class. Some people say that EC is important. But my son is learning disability so learning is most important for him .

Didn’t you list a 1580 SAT score, but your son has a learning disability??? I’m not understanding here…

OP has violated ToS by having multiple accounts. Closing thread.

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