Please Help Me With My Schools! I'll Give You a Cookie

<p>I was rejected from a lot of my reach schools on Ivy Massacre Day and now I have 3 (potentially 4) schools to decide where to go. Given my financial situation, I received enough aid from all the schools to essentially go there full-ride. I need help deciding between which schools are more well-known in the academic community. I want to eventually get my MBA and I want to do it from a fantastic institution (HYPS or Penn), so if anyone can help me out by giving some insight on any of my schools, I would greatly appreciate it!</p>

<p>My choices are:</p>

<p>University of Richmond - $46k in grants, costs around $59k, on the East coast
University of San Diego - $40k in grants, costs around $56k, closer to my home (Tucson, AZ) and potentially in Honors Program
University of Arizona - $14k in grants, cost around $22k, 20 minutes from my home</p>

<p>I was also wait-listed from NYU, so I can reserve my spot if I wish. However, I won't know if I was accepted until after May 1st, the deadline for the first two schools. Can anyone help me out please?? I really need some inside perspective about the schools.</p>