Please help Undecided STEM (and Undecided about STEM) Girl’s college list

I can feel your anxiety. Tell her if she does go to SLO you will put the $$$ differential into an investment account for her.

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Yeah we’re not always on the same schedule but my anxiety’s tracking hers this week! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Great idea! :slight_smile:

Well, D spent yesterday researching and chatting with kids at different schools and came downstairs to announce she’s going to WPI. We had her sleep on it, after which she was convinced even more and she SIR’d today!

She knows our concerns going in, and knows she will have lots of adjustments, but she loves everyone she’s met, (current students, incoming students, profs, everyone), is excited about the classes and 7-week sessions and can’t wait to go. She is so happy and although we’re super nervous about her going so far away, we know this is where she should go.

She asked me to thank you all for helping her through this journey. We are both so grateful for all the advice and support! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

If it weren’t for you all – especially @tsbna44 @James_West @eyemgh @RBMart1 @Pathnottaken @CateCAParent who introduced us to WPI – I’m not sure where we’d be right now.

Feels like an Oscar speech, and really don’t want to miss anyone, but I also want to thank @Gumbymom @ucbalumnus @sushiritto @1NJParent @teleia @theloniusmonk @advitha @NJEngineerDad @Bill_Marsh @Darcy123 @relaxmon @twoinanddone @blossom @AgeofAquarius @Twoin18 @mtmind @LostInTheShuffle @JackH2021 @ucscuuw @circuitrider @FreshCoastal for all your encouragement and advice.

Not saying goodbye as she’s only starting her next adventure and I’m sure I’ll be back often for more advice. Plus I’ll still be reading everyone else’s stories and cheering them as I think I have a serious CC addiction now.

Thanks again everyone and good luck to all our kids!


@OctoberKate are you and your son coming with us?! :goat: :goat:

Go Gompei!!!


Congratulations to you and your D! It’s wonderful to hear her excitement on her college choice and the journey ahead.

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So excited for her! Congrats on her next adventure!

Enjoy today and go relax. Know that somehow the distance brings you closer together. You will have fun visiting her and exploring, too.

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Congrats! I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful time there!

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So excited for y’all! Thanks for sharing your journey. It will help a lot of people.


Congratulations! I’ve appreciated your posts and analysis so much since it sounds like our daughters have a lot in common! It will be a wonderful experience for all of you.



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Congratulations!!! I am so pleased for her :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Please check back in from time to time to update us. I wish your daughter all the best!

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Yay, that’s really nice to hear. Our Ds will be neighbors. Let me know when you are planning on reaching MA, if things go fine we can even catch up there.

Good luck to her. I’m sure she has found a great fit for herself at WPI.


Where’s your D going?! Is she going to fix the Pitt portal?! :grimacing:

No idea when we’re heading out, just discovered the WPI calendar, but would be fun to meet up! One of D’s good friends is heading to MIT if your D wants to connect with another Northern California girl. :slight_smile:

No, they’re on their own with that portal, haha! She committed to Indiana University - Bloomington as a direct admit to their Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering to study CS! It was a very close call between IU and Pitt, but ultimately IU’s CS program felt exactly like what she wanted, she’s in love with the Luddy facilities and resources, and the price point worked better for her. She’s thrilled with her choice, and IU has sent her a lot of love since all the way back in October.

What really sealed the deal was an interaction she had at an IU Scholars Reception they held here in Chicago a couple of months ago. There were over 300 HS seniors in attendance. You’d think it would be impersonal. Instead, we were in a breakout session for the Luddy school and D22 was talking to one of their student ambassadors. The girl was so excited about talking to D, encouraging her to bring her viola, and then she said, “Wait! You’re (D’s Name)! You were in my Cybersecurity camp last summer!” That camp was remote, and these girls were masked yet she still remembered D. She felt so great after that. Luddy’s tight-knit community really felt right to her!


From Davis area? I think they met already at the CPW event on campus. I’ll PM you anyway.

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Wow sounds like a great program for her and love that other girl remembering her! Definitely understand that sealing the deal!

WPI was also my D’s first acceptance and agree getting the love from the start has helped her trajectory across the country!


@OctoberKate Maybe too late to make a difference, but I just found this on the WPI youtube site. Didn’t actually watch it but the title sounded right for your son! WPI Engineering Undecided October 13, 2021 - YouTube

Thank you for sharing all of your experiences, Chrisntine. Here’s to 4 great years at WPI!