[PLEASE HELP] Virginia Tech Engineering undergrad chances

Gender: Female
Race: Asian
State: In- state (Southern Virginia)
Current weighted GPA: 4.6
Grade: Junior
Extra-curriculars: National Honor society, Spanish National Honor Society, National Math Honor Society, National Tech Honor Society, Varsity girls Tennis ( 1 year)
ACT: 26 (will retake)
AP/College Classes currently taking or taken: AP Psych, AP US History, AP Lang and Comp, VCU Chemistry, VCU Precalc, VCU intro to engineering , (I also am taking Spanish 4)
Classes for senior year:

  • AP Lit
  • AP Gov
  • AP Stats
  • AP Environmental Science
  • VCU Physics
  • VCU Engineering
  • VCU calc
    Intended Major: Biomedical Engineering

Thank you for your help

Your grades are good and you have taken challenging coursework. Your ACT appears low though. I’d suggest you also take the SAT. Good luck

I will make a list what will hurt you and help you.

Will hurt your chances

  1. You are in state. This means that there are gonna be a ■■■■ ton of people who are obviously applying with probably similar GPAs. They are trying to fix bad reputation of being not so diverse, they like out of state people.
  2. You ACT scores needs to be higher...

No mans land.

  1. Sometimes tech denies people with very high GPA because they rather have people that fit in. Also it may go your way and get money :)

Things that will work for you…

  1. You are a female (they would love to balance out their male to female ratio in engineering)
  2. You are Asian (they want to be more diverse)
  3. Strong extra curricular, even though they seem average and do not a standout. it will help you.
  4. The engineering applicant pool is very competitive even though your rigorous class schedule will help you by just being the norm it will not drag you down.

Tips that may help
Make yourself standout they have denied people with high gpas and/or high act/sat scores. Right now your application is very bland and not impressive improve it. Virginia Tech’s admissions team look weigh grades 50 percent and personal 50 percent. If your grades are good and you seem boring they WILL deny you.

My Sources: Friends who got denied in the last 2 years.

For a complete list of what they expect click the website link…

Good luck!