Please make me paranoid

<p>Planning on completing the app soon, but if I don't stand a good choice I'm not going to bother. Like everyone else, I'm targeting engineering (either EE or mech). Thanks for your time.</p>

<p>GPA: 3.95W
Rank: 12.6%
SAT: 1370 M/CR (730/640), 2060 total (690W)</p>

<p>Schedule: if not AP, then honors thus far</p>

<p>Have taken US History (4), English Lang. (4), Human Geography (4)
Currently taking Physics B, Calc AB, English Lit., Government</p>

<p>ECs: not too many, just NHS, FBLA, and a few other insignificant clubs</p>

<p>Again, thanks for your time.</p>

<p>Here’s a link to the breakdown of the VT incoming class for 2009:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>012983 your numbers look very good to me (I’m not an admissions officer). Your math SAT is high and you are taking physics which is what VT looks for in an engineering application based on what I know (two visits and talking to admissions director). Definitely apply. Good luck</p>

<p>Even if not I only had a 3.4 gpa in HS and a 1250 SAT and got general admission as a University Studies major and took the same Engineering courses as others and switched into the School of Engineering internally. It is much easier if you are dead set on Engineering since you only have to take the required first year courses and have a 2.0 or higher to get into engineering.</p>

<p>That was class of 2006 though, I don’t know how harder it is now.</p>

<p>It’s pretty hard to get into the freshman engineering class now. You almost certainly won’t be able to your freshman year (this is for NON-engineering majors) and sophomore year is a toss-up. You can usually still take physics and chemistry and your electives, but you can’t take most of your engineering classes until you get into the Engineering Exploration (bs) classes.</p>

<p>edit: I think you have a good shot at getting in though. You don’t have to pick a specific engineering major until the end of your freshman year.</p>