please please I need an advice

<p>Dear All,
I am soo confused and have a long story , please if somebody can answer me ..
I am a permenant resident in united states , before I came to US , I was in the 3rd grade dentistry school which is means in US the predental cause I studied org. chemistry , physics ,physiology , biology , histology and anatomy ..
my problem is when I came here , and went to a dentistry school to ask for the admission they said that they wont accept what I had studied because its from college outside the united states although I completed more houres than the required ..
so , I thought that the only solution is by taking a pre-dental again here ..
now another preblem is how I will get the admission to predental , cause they also require credits from a college inside US ???</p>

<p>the other thing , is there a chance that I can get scholarship ??
or can I get a loan for the predental and dental too ???</p>

<p>and another problem that some people told me that if I get a loan and graduate , I wont be able to make enough money to pay off the loan ..thats for general dentist and also cant get another loan for the continueing of study and get specialized in some field that true ???
so , they told me to change for medicine , cause the doctor will be in the hospital not like the dentist must buy a practice after graduation , so I will be able to pay off the loan that true ??
nnow about the pre-med program , is it two years ??</p>

<p>please I need help , I need some one can tell me what the best to do , cause I really tired and no one tell me what to do ..
and thank you all for reading this all</p>

<p>I’m sorry I can’t help you very much but all I know is that pre-med programs are usually 3-4 years. 2 years spent in med school, third and fourth years spent in a hospital doing hands on training. Then you do your residency afterward for about 3 years or so. I think you get paid (low salary though ~30,000) during your residency.</p>

<p>zee - You might want to pose your questions on the pre-dental forum here:
[Dental</a> Forums [ DDS / DMD ] - Student Doctor Network Forums](<a href=“http://■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/forumdisplay.php?f=55]Dental”>Dental Communities (DDS and DMD) | Student Doctor Network)</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>thank you all very much</p>