<p>I am an average student and I go to a school in McLean,VA (somewhat high income area) which is in Fairfax County. I don't know if you guys have ever heard of this county, but its pretty competitive and we are just changing to a 10 point grading scale next year, which i have heard will screw up the class of 2010. S 10 o here are my stats and please be honest.</p>
<p>SAT: 590 M, 600 CR, 600 W and 8 on essay (i took that pretty much cold so will retake and according to my practice tests i will do a lot better)
ACT: 29 Composite: 29 W with 10 essay, 30 E, 28 M, 27 S (again took it cold, will retake)
SAT 2: US History 720 (will take English and Math 2 in Fall)
AP Scores: US History 5, World History 4, Span. Lang. 2, Psych. 5, and Eng. Lang 3</p>
<p>UW GPA is about 3.67 (not sure what weighted is)
I have taken all honors and AP and my senior year I will be taking all AP (Physics C, Bio, Calc. AB, Gov, Lit, Spanish Lit.) Actually studying in the summer this time to ensure my grades are good</p>
Nat. Art Honor Society & Art Club VP for 2 years
Cross Country- 1 year
Indoor and Outdoor Track- 3 yrs
Math League-2 years
Key Club
Best Buddies
History, English, Spanish, Honor Society
House Soccer- 1 year
Piano- since 3rd grade
Ok I'm probably not being realistic w/ a lot of these schools so please tell me the truth. this is a rough list of what i'm interested in
(UVA, VA Tech, William and Mary, Boston College, Tufts, Carnegie Mellon (legacy), George Mason
Please tell me if there are any other colleges you think I should look at. Thanks!</p>
<p>Hmm…you really aren’t the typical CC chance thread (amazing grades or amazing ECs), so it’s a bit more difficult to give accurate chances, but here’s my take:</p>
<p>Academics: hopefully you can raise your SAT/ACT a bit to be competitive at most of the schools on your list, your GPA is probably on the lower end of what the schools are looking at but not low enough to discount you from the admissions process. Plus, if your 1st half of senior year is really good, which you seem to be working hard to ensure, that will definitely help your chances.</p>
<p>ECs: The NAHS and Art Club is definitely good, if you have some good work, I would recommend submitting an art portfolio, which will look good at best, but will definitely not hurt you at the very worst. The piano is also good, have you done anything with it (ie play at events or with a group?), because if you have (or do before applying) it will be a nice addition to your resume. Everything else is alright, but it doesn’t really seem like you’ve stuck to things too much, so it’s a bit unclear whether you’re actually dedicated.</p>
UVA: Realistic/Reach, since you’re in-state it should be doable if essays and recs are good
W&M: Reach, definitely need good recs & essays
Boston College: Reach, same thing
Tufts: Reach, same
Carnegie Mellon: Realistic, especially if you can pull up your SAT/ACT
George Mason: Safe, I would be very surprised if you get rejected</p>
<p>I would consider adding University of Rochester, it’s similar to Tufts but easier to get into, and maybe another safety if you don’t really want to go to George Mason, but otherwise I think you’re ok. Good Luck!</p>
<p>thanks sirensong, i actually was going to look at rochester. u didnt write about tech but im pretty sure i’ll get in esp since i dont really want to go to gmu. i also guess i didn’t write it out well, but i have stuck with almost all my ec’s</p>
<p>UVA–Low Reach/High Match
BC–Low Reach/High Match
Tufts–Low Reach/High Match
Carnegie Mellon–Low Reach/High Match
George Mason–Definitely in</p>
<p>Like the guy above, Rochester would be great for you…It’s a great school really, and you would fit in well there :)</p>