<p>took it for the first time today...</p>
<p>missed probably about 6-10 math total ( are they around 10 points each? so like -10 is a 700?)</p>
<p>I really lost track of the reading and writing multiple choice, but i felt pretty good about most sections... Probably for every 20 problems i missed 3-5</p>
<p>Essay... I'm guessing a 10 hopefully?</p>
<p>Do I have any chance for a 2000?</p>
<p>Thank you for reading</p>
<p>i’m afraid 6~10 wrong in math is around 600
and 15 wrong on the CR is generally sub 600 or high 500
writing 15 wrong is about 500 but with essay of 10 it’s probably 600~620
so your overall mark should range from 1700 to 1850</p>
<p>jeez I didn’t realize points dropped that quickly… :(</p>
<p>Whatever though, I’m a junior so I’ll just take it again in the late summer after studying ( I’m gonna study A LOT)</p>
<p>I feel like I can get in the 700s on math, I’m good at math, it just seems like some of those questions are DESIGNED to encourage unorthodox math haha…</p>
<p>Writing, I can get a 11-12 on my essay if I develop my examples more… and reading is just awful haha hopefully with practice I can get it up to at least a 680</p>
<p>Thanks for the post JBCHUN, hopefully when I retake it I can break the 2000-2200 mark (hoping to get into UT Austin
<p>@JBCHUN I don’t think thats 100% correct. According to Kaplan if you were to miss between 20-24 on the math thats around a score of 500/800. And on the reading if you were to miss between 29-31 that would be a score of 500/800. Hope this clears things up.</p>
<p>Hey I found my sister’s detailed score report from a practice SAT she took in a Kaplan Prep course.</p>
<p>For Reference… ( Don’t know if this is the same as ETS grading )</p>
Omitted- 2
Correct- 40
Scaled Score : 600 </p>
<p>Incorrect- 27
Omitted- 0
Correct- 40
Scaled Score: 520</p>
<p>Incorrect- 9
Omitted- 0
Correct- 40
Essay Score- 10
Scaled Score : 650</p>
<p>well… that makes me feel a little better 
based on that, I feel like I got an 1800-2000</p>
<p>On the basis of previously released SATs, 6-10 wrong in math translates to a raw score range of 42-47, which corresponds to 630-710 …</p>
first SAT i took (december)…its close to your goal score so i thought it would help
in the form correct/incorrect/omit/score
2020 composite
44/5/0/720 (11essay)</p>